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Taehyung came back from the meeting room and entered his cabin.He was extremely annoyed with one of the shareholders of his company.The old man was getting on his nerves by asking him meaningless questions during the whole meeting.Because of that man, the meeting took twenty more minutes to finish.Taehyung barely managed to not lash out on the man.

At this point, Taehyung has considered the whole day fruitless.First that brat in the morning and now this old man.His mood was turning into a really bad one by now.His head was aching really bad.

It's been more than 9 hours since he has come to the company and he didn't even get the chance to have lunch.It's already dark outside.Taehyung sat on his chair and closed his eyes for few moments to calm himself down a bit.Just when he relaxed a bit, someone burged into his cabin.


Taehyung had to take a deep breath while clenching his jaw and then slowly, he opened his eyes.

There stood Jungkook with a big smile on his face on the other side of his table.The boy wore a white shirt with two buttons unbuttoned and a blue, ripped jeans.He looked so innocent and pure in that look, he looked like a human version of an angel!

He looked so innocent and pure in that look, he looked like a human version of an angel!

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For a moment, Taehyung forgot about everything that were making him angry.He even forgot that the boy is capable of doing anything and everything which can make him lose his mind.Taehyung didn't even realise that he was staring at the boy.............with a blank expression on his face.

Jungkook, who was standing there awkwardly while biting his lips all the while, decided to take the matter into his own hands.Judging by the look Taehyung was giving him, he thought that Taehyung was still mad at him for the morning incident.

He didn't want to be yelled at by that angry man.At least not at this time in the office.So he walked towards the couch that was on the right side of Taehyung's table and slumped down on the soft surface with a huff.

"Why are you here?Who let you in without my permission?" Taehyung finally snapped out of his dazed state and questioned the boy, maintaining a poker face.

"Oooh...I'm here to give you something that aunt told me to give you." Jungkook said, his doe eyes widening while talking which made him look more innocent.

"And about your permission, I'm not your employee.So I don't need it." Jungkook continued, this time a pout formed on his pink, glossy lips as if he wasn't talking back to Taehyung by saying so.

Meanwhile Taehyung, who, for the first time in his life, was admiring someone's look, was harshly pulled back into reality by the answer he got.

What was he even doing?

Was he thinking that this boy here looks innocent?

Hell no.

He's anything but innocent.

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