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Taehyung felt like his ribcage bones cracked when something heavy landed on top of him all of a sudden.His sleepiness was already gone.A groan left his mouth because of the pain he felt.He tried to push the heavy thing away from his body but stopped when he heard a yelp.

As his eyes were slowly getting used to the darkness, now he could clearly see a silhouette of a man beside him.Taehyung didn't even hesitate to push wasy the person harshly.He turned on the lights right after a scream left the intruders mouth because of falling on the hard floor with force.

The intruder was too busy rubbing his butt to look at the angry male standing in front of him with both his arms crossed on his chest.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Taehyung's loud voice resonated through the whole house.He didn't bother if he woke anyone up.There was a thief in his room who also dared to land on him directly.He can't just stay silent.He was too angry to do that anyways.

Soon enough, Taehyung's parents, Namjoon and Jin ran into the room with panicked expressions.They were woken up by Taehyung's loud voice and the next moment they were running to his room, not being able to process what was going on.After burging in the room, all of them saw Taehyung looking towards the floor angrily.They whipped their heads towards the direction only to gasp loudly.

Jungkook was sitting on the floor and was looking at Taehyung with the same level of anger.The boy was breathing fast and he was getting redder by each passing second.They looked at Taehyung again and gulped when they saw the veins of his neck were almost about to pop out.Taehyung's palms were curled into tight fists and his expression was becoming blank.The expression means only one thing - danger.

"You dared to sneak in the Kims' mansion.I'm calling the police.Thieves like you deserve a lifetime imprisonment." Taehyung said lowly and took his phone from the nightstand to inform the police about the thief he has just caught red handed.Meanwhile, the others panicked, not wanting any more commotions at that unholy hour.

And Jungkook?

Well, he sat there lazily and made himself comfortable by leaning on the bed.At first when he was yelled at, he got really angry.But then he realised that it was not the room he was supposed to sleep in.Moreover, he also noticed that the angry red chilly of a man was the same attractive man he saw in the restaurant.

Somehow anger made the man look even more attractive.So Jungkook just controlled his raising anger and enjoyed the show, well I mean, enjoyed the angered expression of the man.


"So, there was no thief?" The policeman asked Mr. Kim who shook his head.

"NO.We've already told you many times that there's no-one.We didn't even call you." Mrs. Kim spoke up with a serious expression, making the already confused police man more confused.

He was sure the person who called him gave the address of this place but now the whole family is denying it.The Kims obviously won't lie to him.So he thought someone pranked him.He rubbed in nape in embarrassment, thinking some notorious people tricked him.Soon he left after apologizing to the Kims with a bow.

The members of the Kim family sighed in relief after few minutes of the Police man's departure.All of them whipped their heads towards the direction from where loud laughter could be heard.

It was Jungkook!

The boy almost laid on the living room couch while laughing so hard.His eyes teared up and his hands clutched onto his stomach as it felt weird because of laughing like that.They looked at the other couch fearfully just to see Taehyung sitting there with a pissed off expression.His sharp jaws were clenched while his face expressions screamed the level of irritation he was feeling at the moment.

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