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Jungkook woke up from his deep slumber when his phone rang for the fifth time in a row.He threw his legs in the air with a huff because of the amount of annoyance he felt.After lying there for few more minutes, he picked up the phone grumpily, with his eyes almost closed.

"The person you're trying to call is trying to have some sleep.Please spare him for the day." Jungkook said with a robotic tone, not bothering to look at the screen for once.

He was about to cut the call when he heard the familiar yelling -

"Kookie, don't be this lazy.Wake up right now.Don't forget, that is not our home for you to set your own routine." Came Jungkook's mom's stern voice.

Jungkook mentally slapped himself for not checking the caller ID earlier.His sleepiness flew away through the window because he knew there's a long a^s lecture to come.Of course, his mother won't stop anytime soon when it comes to his scolding....


"Good morning, everyone!" Taehyung greeted his parents and his two hyungs after entering the dining hall.

It was eight in the morning.He was all dressed up to go to the company while Namjoon was wearing casual clothes.He has taken a day off to go on a date with Jin today.Soon they all sat down on their respective places, all ready to eat.

Taehyung cut his pancake and was about to take a bite when his mom spoke up,

"Kookie is still upstairs.Let me go and fetch the boy." She said while getting up.

"Can't he come by himself?What is he?A two years old?" Taehyung voiced out his inner thoughts with a mocking tone.Well, he was still sour about the last night's happenings.

To say, Mrs. Kim was pissed off would be an understatement.Taehyung has always been a perfect kid.He doesn't talk unnecessarily.But why he's behaving like this with the poor boy?This is so unlike her son.

"No need, aunt.I'm here.Sorry for making you all wait." Jungkook said while walking downstairs.His hairs were wet from the shower and he wore a white, oversized shirt, matching with a pair of neavy blue shorts which reached his thighs.

Everyone cooed at his cute appearance except Taehyung.The elder didn't know why his eyes lingered on the boy for more than needed.He was quick to advert his gaze though and continued eating.

Jungkook sat on the empty chair beside Taehyung and took the plate of food Mrs. Kim gave him, giving her a bunny smile.Everyone started eating while talking here and there.Taehyung neither participated in their talk nor did he look up at anyone.He completely indulged himself in eating.

"When will you understand that everyone can't act like a grandpa....like you do."

Taehyung's face twisted in irritation when he heard Jungkook's hushed voice.He was sure nobody heard the boy except him since all of them were talking among themselves.He looked at the boy with a deadly glare but the boy looked back at him in pure innocence.He blinked his doe eyes at Taehyung making them look bigger than usual as his naturally pouty, pink lips jutted out a bit more.Taehyung closed his eyes to control his anger.He breathed heavily in order to calm himself down.

The way Jungkook behaved and talked and the next moment, he acted like he's the most innocent little bean in the whole universe, pissed Taehyung off to the core.He couldn't even show his anger at that little devil knowing his family is already head over heals for that brat.

"I thought you just act immatured but guess what?You're disable to think properly as well.After all, you think being punctual and being old is the same thing." Taehyung smirked in victory at the boy who gasped dramatically and then he started eating again.

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