Keep Running Keefe...

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Quick Author Note:

Hello if you are reading this then that is amazina! This is my first book so go easy on me! I don't really know how to do this and I'm gonna do lots of weird things for instance, my friend and I got carried away with the tags, so if you happen to check them...just don't ;) Anyway I doubt that will be the last stupid thing I do, so a judge free zone would be nice. Pls comment because it's like a little group party!!! Also constructive criticism is healthy so make sure you tell me if I'm imitating the characters correctly or not. I'll try to update everyday! 

Stay healthy and Happy! SnickFox - Out!

Keefe POV:

I had a stitch, but that was the least of my problems. My thoughts kept flashing back to Foster's face last time I ran away...

She looked so broken. As if her whole world had just been stripped away from her.

Well at least her whole world won't go missing this time. Fitz would take care of her, and he'd do it a hell lot better then me. 

I shoved those bitter thoughts away and tried to focus on one foot in front of another.

I heard an unfamiliar noise and jumped off the road and into bush, just in time to miss a huge four wheeled-drive that was charging down the road way over the speed limit. 

I considered spending the night lying in the bushes with branches poking my back and rain plastering my hair to my face. Yeah do that Keefe! Lie in the bushes and weep about all your problems like the broken little boy that you are! Shame you can't go crying to mummy since she's evil and stuff!

Eye roll. An epic one.

Surely I'm tougher then THAT!

I pushed, rocking back and forth until I was propelled out of the bush, landing onto the pavement, scraping my knees and coughing up blood. 

Maybe I'm not as strong as I thought.

Though thinking that kind of thing doesn't really help.

I rubbed my eyes and looked around. The street lamp was dead and there was gravel everywhere, but I spotted a nearby wooden bench thing that your meant to sit on. I don't know why anyone put one there, since it was the most miserable place ever, with my house as the only exception. Maybe they were wondering if a random lost elf boy with weird, out of control abilities was going to be randomly walking along this road and need a bed. 

I thought about that for a little while, and started hysterically laughing. 

I need help.

On a more cheerful note though, I now knew where I was going to spend the night.

I sank down onto the bench and stared at the stars.

The bench was hard, but I was used to life being hard.

Jeez THAT sounded depressing. 

My life can't be honestly that bad, Right?

I closed my eyes and slumber hit me hard. I fought to stay awake but it was impossible, so I let myself fall into the dreams. Dreams of brown eyes with gold flecks.

And they were full of tears.

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