Omg Fitzroy Must Die!

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Sooo, hi um I know you want to know more about what's happening with Keefe and Sophie and why Dex is ignoring Biana but... I sorta wanna make a Fitz POV cause I just think that would be funny and then we can bash him even more. 

Heh heh sorry not sorry. I'll get back on track next chapter Remember to comment. Tell me whose POV you want next! ;)

Stay Safe! SnickFox-Out 

Fitzroy POV:

This is so unfair! What did I do to deserve this? What's Sophie's problem anyway? I was only expecting a little sympathy and maybe a little advice when I went to tell Biana. Then she snapped at me! 

As if she would be willing to sacrifice the Vacker name just for being a bad match! (Hold onto that thought...)

Sometimes life makes no sense.

The world is meant for people to be nice to me.

How do I know that? Because otherwise the world wouldn't have given me my secret!

Sometimes I wonder if my secret is the only reason people like me, but that's ridicules. I'm a Vacker! Anyway, it can't be wrong to use my secret, or else why would I have it? It makes sense to use it. It's not cheating. I'm making things right. Maybe one day they'll thank me.

Though I doubt Keefe will.

Keefe. Ugh. We are MEANT to be best friends but come on! When will Sophie realise that I'm better for her! Like seriously! I'm so happy that I could use my secret to make her like me instead! I'm helping her!

Not that she's grateful! I hate that she talked to me like that!

What am I going to do so that she will appreciate me!

Jealousy. Of course. Linh.

It was time to visit Linh.

And what was I going to do if she doesn't like me?

Easy. I would use my secret.

I would use my second ability.

Boom! Mind Blown! ;)

Ha! My cliff hangers are worse than Shannon's!

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