Holy - Part 2 [STORY] MM x Reader

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You wake up to the sun shining in your face and the birds tweeting outside.
It's a beautiful, sunny Saturday, 10am and you slept fairly well.
At least when you finally managed to fall asleep. Laying in your bed, your thoughts started drifting back to Brian. Something about this boy is weirdly comforting and you can't deny that you're excited to meet him privately today. You've never had many conversations with him in school so this was kind of a chance to get to know him better...

Wait, what? No you couldn't be for real now. This young man was dangerous and you were chosen to make him find the right path again.

You get up and go to the bathroom to wash your face. Examining yourself in the mirror, you think about using your mother's makeup to cover up some red spots and make your eyes look a bit prettier...

Then shaking your head and laughing to yourself. "I don't need to be prettier than the way God made me", you smile.


Standing downstairs in the kitchen and preparing yourself some breakfast, you're trying to come up with more and more answers to hypothetical sentences Brian could tell you, trying to convince you to lose the right path.

Mumbling to yourself, you sit down at the table, pray and eat toast, drink orange juice and read the back of a cereal box...
When one thought plops up in your head, you stop and look up.

What if he tries to hurt you?

You never truly assume that someone is a bad person as a whole. But he really is a man on the wrong path and almost everything he wears, does or decides to look like is evil or even satanic.

You shiver, shake your head to get that thought out of your mind.

He won't. God wouldn't let anything happen to you.


After doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen, you prepare the living room for your homework. Taking out the necessary books, paper, pens and two glasses of water, you check the time.


"Well, still some time to-"

You were interrupted by the doorbell.
Adjusting your clothes, you get up and walk towards the door, opening it.

It feels like your heart stopped when you see that it's Brian who's waiting on the other side.

"Hey" he growls, smiling shyly and pushing a strand of his long, midnight-black hair out of his face.
Nervously, you fidget with your fingers. "Hey", you answer, still surprised by his early arrival.

"I know I'm way too early" he laughs "but I didn't have anything better to do and I wanna get done with that shit".
You frown because of his harsh language, but quickly change your facial expression to a more or less natural smile and lead him inside.

"It's okay. I already prepared everything so we can start immediately. When we're quick, we can be done in around two hours already."


It is strange working with the weird guy.
Or better: you didn't expect the weird guy to be less weird than everyone thinks he is.

Brian is clever, even if you didn't like to admit it. And he has some points to make that are actually really interesting. Whatever you tried, he wouldn't lose his temper, stay calm and explain his view, his side of a story or his opinion on different topics.

"Why did God choose Mary?" he asks.

"She was free from sin. The only non-sinner on earth, so she became the mother of Jesus to enable God to become accessible to our senses. She allowed God to become tangible, human."

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