The Bar [FLUFF] MM x Reader

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(slight violence, slight alcohol abuse)

It's late.
You and your friends are on the way to the second bar this evening, the first one throwing you out for bad behavior.
It was actually not your or anyone of your friends' fault: one guy came up and started insulting your music, one thing came to the other and the dude ended up having a well deserved broken nose. You better not fuck with Brian Warner.
Well, at least not that way.

You have joined the band Marilyn Manson around half a year ago, not actually as a performer or musician but more a groupie who's liked by all of them and gets some simple tasks to not feel useless. Twiggy introduced you to the members after he kinda picked you up completely shitfaced after a concert, you've been drinking and dancing too much and he felt bad for you. Not a great way to meet new people but shit happens. You're glad to know them.

The more you're touring and hanging out with them, the better you got to know every single one and you all got along very well. Although sometimes there's one exception.
You may know not that much about Manson but if you'd have to describe him in one word, it'd be "perfectionistic". Whatever you're doing, wether it's just bringing a microphone or helping them with their makeup, he'll find something you didn't do well. Last time you helped him with his hair because you all have been late for a show, he didn't like it and made you do it again and again, all of you ending up to be fifteen minutes late for your performance. No need to say that the crowd was pissed.

Despite the struggles with him, you couldn't help secretly developing a little crush. If he's not trying to put you down because of little things, he's very caring, sweet and flirty. You often don't even know if he's messing with you or genuinely tries to get closer.
Just like today. After ruining this annoying asshole's nose and getting kicked out of the bar for it, Manson is in a way better mood than you expected him to be.
Laughing and drinking he always longs for your touch, holding your shoulders, giving you sudden hugs. It's strange but you don't complain.

Twiggy, being the only one in the band who knows about your feelings towards him, smirks and winks every now and then. You're trying to not think too much about Manson's behavior, he's a bit drunk, in a good mood and naturally horny anyway, he'd probably touch any girl he's around with.
As it gets later, more and more people leave, you guys being one of the last visitors of the bar.
"Is here a toilet?" You've seen all the band members drunk, but Pogo is absolutely shit hammered and looks like he's about to throw up every second.
The bartender looks at him, worried.
"Second door on the left" he raises his hand and shows him the way.
"Thanks", he answers, staggering into the direction but stops.
He turns around, looks at you and starts giving you a weird expression that could either be interpreted as a look of disgust or a horrible attempt to flirt with you.
"[Y/N], wanna help me maybeee?" He steadies himself on the fire extinguisher. Worrying it'll fall down, you walk towards him and hold him up. "I got you".

You help him find the men's bathroom, declining his offer to show you his private parts and close the door.
Waiting for him outside, you see Manson walking towards you, surprisingly stable. Apparently he's not as drunk as you thought he was.
"Uh, hey [Y/N], what are you doing here?"
"I'm waiting for Stephen to finish pissing, vomiting or whatever he does in there to guide him back to us. Wouldn't be that great to lose him here... How are you still that sober?"

He smiles at your question, leaning against the wall. "I'm not. I'm just a good faker" he starts giggling and you playfully roll your eyes.
"However, I could ask you the same thing. How are youuuuu-" he starts poking your chest with his index finger, "still so sober when you've been drinking with us?"
You laugh, taking his hand and placing it safely on your shoulder. "After my third drink I've only been ordering alcohol free. You should try it, it's really good"

"Like Cola and stuff? Damn I would've never imagined you to be that boring".
He smiles, places two fingers on your chin and lifts your head up to look you in the eyes. You felt your knees get weak. God, he really is attractive.

Trying to avoid his dreamy eyes, you stare behind him, seeing a very drunk Twiggy pointing at Manson and giving you two thumbs up, then turning around to pretend making out with someone. You couldn't help but laugh.

Recognizing where you've looked at, Manson turns around and sees his friend still making the »hugging and groping himself« motions, just to blurt "Yeah, fuck you Jeordie, at least I have a real person to make out with"

With that he holds you at the back of your head and smashed his lips to yours. Shocked by his sudden actions, you stand there for solid ten seconds to realize what the actual fuck is just happening. You then close your eyes and kiss him back.
Your lips move in sync with his, your hands on his chest while he's still holding you. Any doctor would be shocked by the speed your heart is beating right now.
After what feels like only a few seconds, he pulls away, resting his forehead on yours.
"Damnit, [Y/N], you don't know how long I wanted to do this. You're so fucking beautiful"
"Brian..." you lift your hands to cup his face and pull him down to you, slowly kissing him again. You open your mouth to deepen the kiss and with ease he lifts you up, holding you by your thighs and pressing you against the wall.
You stroke through his hair, down his neck to his chest, then back up again to his face to caress it lovingly.
When you part your lips again, he takes the chance to gently push his tongue into it, swirling it around yours and humming in the back of his throat.

"Uuuh, [Y/N] I'm ready, can you help me please?"

Both of you interrupt the kiss abruptly. Shit, you completely forgot about Pogo.
You sigh as Manson puts you back onto the ground, silently checking you out while you turned around to go and help your friend in the bathroom.
Manson offered to guide him back to the others and you accepted, sitting down on the floor back there to make your brain believe what just happened.

So he likes you too? Or is he just drunk and horny enough to make out with you, hoping it'll get further and further until he can get you into his bed?
Still progressing the last minutes, you hear footsteps towards you, look up and see Twiggy's grinning face.

"Soooo he f- finally did it. Oh boy, I thought he'd never manage hahaha" he laughs, leaving you with a questioning look on your face.

"What are yo-"
"Brian has had a crush on you for a few months now, [Y/N]. He always w- wanted you around him for longer than we all did, t- that's why he made you redo things and stuff" he interrupts you, his drunk hiccup obvious.
You stared at him, not believing what you just heard.
"So he-"
He interrupts you again. "He is in looove with you. I think this is serious. So go and get him, I-, I'll take care of Stephen and Scott..."
Whatever »taking care« of drunk people means, for a drunk person. You nod.
"Ahh, thereeee he issss" Twiggy laughs and leaves you, giving Manson a high five as your crush walks towards you.
He takes your hand and helps you up. Before you can say anything, he gives you a small, gentle kiss on your lips, hugs you and whispers in your ear. "Shall we leave?"

You pull away, looking into his sparkling, hazel eyes and smile.

Hello non-existent readers!

I thought starting with a fluffy, rather non-sexual story would be a better start than throwing everyone into the action immediately. Idk what the next one is gonna be like.
Whoever is reading this: pls vote so I see if you like the story. It takes literally a millisecond and doesn't cost anything at all, thankssss

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