Meet and Greet [SMUT] MM x Reader

515 11 18

(sexual content, harsh language)

It's around 5pm, still way too hot outside and there are too many people in this queue.

You've been saving money for a while already, VIP tickets aren't that easy to afford if your job only pays minimum wage of 7.25, and you sure hope they're worth it.

It's a Marilyn Manson concert, he's pretty much the only celebrity you love and are actually thrilled to meet. You used the train to get here but it came a bit late so you're the last one, standing at the end in the heat of the summer.

Annoyed, you look for a clock or something that could just tell you the time because you're getting bored and mad at how long this is taking. About 15 people are still in front of you and you already wiggle around out of boredom.


It's almost done. The last person, a small, chubby blonde girl with braces and pigtails, just got in. She looks like she is 14 and as you hear her giggling and talking, you believe that's actually her age.

It takes a while and you see her walk out of the room, smiling widely and seeming happy after meeting Manson.

Nervously, you play with your fingers, hoping you'll manage to just say anything when you stand in front of your hero.
With weak steps you go inside, looking around. It's a small room, the walls are painted beige, the floor is blue. A small black couch stands in the middle of the room and - sitting on it - you see the rockstar you've been so excited to meet this evening.

"See who's been waiting so patiently outside in this boiling heat. Hello dear"

Manson's deep voice sends shivers through your body. Your eyes wander up and down his body. He's wearing all black, shirt, pants, shoes, even his gloves. He takes off his sunglasses.

"Seems like your patience pays off. The show was delayed by a few minutes because there's a problem with the sound. You will have some more time with me than the others. If you want, of course" he chuckles and lifts a tattooed arm and moves his fingers to show you to come closer. You do, walking forwards and sit down next to him on the couch.

You can't help but stare at him in awe. You've only ever seen him on pictures or in television, but in person he's so much more beautiful. His hair looks so soft, his eyes so deep. The texture of his skin makes him look so... Real. That's not a doll sitting in front of you, that's a real human. He's real.

"H- how are you?" You asks shyly.
That question seems to catch him off guard, he looks at you for a while, then answers.

"I'm fine. You're... actually you're the first person to ask me this question today. I've only ever asked others." he smiles.

"But isn't a meet and greet about you?" you giggle softly.

"Well... It's about us. It's about two people meeting - and greeting - each other" he laughs at his joke.

"That's such a dad joke, goddamnit" you laugh as well.

You two chat a bit more, getting deeper into conversations and you feel amazing. The first time ever you feel understood. You just met someone who thinks similar, who doesn't only see the surface but looks deeper into the matter of something.

"I like how you're not that kind of shallow fangirl. I appreciate this so much" He says.

"I do too. I can't remember ever talking to someone who actually understands what I'm saying" you reply.

His eyes stay focused on you for a while, then he stretches a bit, lifting his arms and slowly sets it behind your back, pulling you a bit closer to him. Your stomach starts to tingle when he touches you.

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