Valentine's Day [FLUFF] MM x Reader

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(incredibly cliche, much romance, slightly sexual dialogues, probably big age gap)


You slowly wake up to your boyfriend, known as Marilyn Manson, hovering over you, kissing your cheek.

"Mhh..." You frown, still tired and turn away from him.

"Baby, don't be like that. Today is a special day" he changes his position to look at your face, strokes your hair out of your face and kisses you gently on your lips. He whispers in your ear. "It's Valentine's day"

These words snap you out of your little dreamworld and make you sit up and open your eyes.

"Is it?" You look at him, he is wearing a sexy black suit shirt, tight black pants and has his hair formally combed to one side.

"Woah" you almost moan.
He is so sexy.
"Come on baby, let's get you dressed, I have a little surprise for you" he whispers in your neck, kissing it slightly.
You close your eyes and enjoy the feeling of his lips on your skin, working their way up to your earlobe to nibble at it carefully.

"Mhh, what if-" you gasp when he bites a bit harder, "what if I don't want to get dressed..." you finish the sentence seductively, feeling his grin on your face.
"What do you want to do then...? He murmurs, his deep, sexy voice sending shivers through your body.

"I don't knowww..." Your hands trail down his chest, feeling his cute, chubby middle he's so insecure about. He looks down to your hand resting there, lifts his own and tries to push it away, apparently ashamed of his middle section. You just reach up to him, kiss him passionately on the lips and whisper "I love your tummy".

He starts smiling a bit, relaxes and then stands up.
"Okay sweetheart, I know what you want to do and I want it too, but no... We need to be at a special place before it's getting dark again and we won't be able to be there on time if we fu-" you kiss him again to shut him up and make your way into the bathroom.

He's right, you should wait until it's evening, you'll have more time and it'll be more romantic...

Although you need to admit that you're a bit disappointed. Making love with the one and only Marilyn Manson may sound like it's gonna hurt and leave marks, but he's actually incredibly loving and careful. He's always romantic in his own, kinda weird but still cute way and even if you get into the kinky kind of intercourse, he always makes sure you're fine.

You love this man so much and can't wait to spend this Valentine's day with him, especially because you're used to great days like this. Last time you went on a romantic candle light dinner, the year before he took you to a really fancy restaurant... He always comes up with something new, something better. This is your sixth Valentine's day together and you're excited to see what's going to happen this time.

You decide to wear a black, pretty tight dress with red sleeves, a black pantyhose underneath, a red, pretty jacket over it and choose the red boots.
You do your makeup lightly because your boyfriend isn't wearing any except eyeliner as well.
When Manson sees you, he smiles.
"You look perfect, my beautiful princess"
He leans down and kisses you. "Shall we?"
He takes your arm and guides you outside his apartment. You aren't officially living together although you're with him almost every night.

He opens the door and you immediately spot the black limousine waiting for you.
"You did not!" You shout, hugging him tightly and kissing his cheek. You're not materialistic in any way but one of your secret little childhood dreams was to drive in a limousine once, feeling like a superstar while you're drinking champagne and eating strawberries inside.

"I knew about your little secret and I thought... Why not?" He smirks.
"I love you so muhuuuuuuch" you squeak in excitement and run towards the car.
"It's soooo big!!" You laugh when you look inside.
The second you realized what you just said you heard Manson's voice behind you.
"Like myyyyyy dick".
"I guess I should have seen that com-" you didn't even turn around and you know that he's probably grinning like a little child.
You shake your head, laugh and climb inside the vehicle.

"I love it"
"And I love you" Manson whispers, following and sitting down next to you.
"I got the champagne but forgot the strawberries. I'm sorry baby".
"Are you kidding? This is amazing, I don't care about the strawberries!!"
"Glad to know" he laughs.
Although you were just kind of driving in a long car, you felt like a royalty. Especially with this wonderful man by your side.
You cuddle into his arms and he holds you close to him, kissing you on your forehead and humming sweet nothings in your ear.

After what only felt like a few minutes, the car stops.
"Is everything okay?" You ask
"Yeah. We just arrived"
"Oh. Oh yeah"
Of course. You don't know why, but somehow you expected this to be everything. Being in a limousine for... A few hours? Looking at the clock it already said it's 4pm!
You got out and frown.
"The sun is so bright..."

You are standing in front of a big, old Mansion. It looks like it's straight out of a Victorian novel or something and has a huge garden with a little fountain with gargoyle statues on the sides.

This is the kind of romance your boyfriend is into and you absolutely love him for it. It's unique, it's beautiful.
Just now you realize he's holding a basket.

"I know this isn't as fancy as the last few Valentine's days..." He says.
"I love it" you breathe.
You have no idea who owns all this, but a picnic in the big garden of an old Mansion is amazing.
He puts a big blanket on the ground and - with a little help of you - prepares everything. He gives you a little box and when you open it you start laughing.

He joins into your laughter. "I thought it would be more romantic to eat them here"
Sitting on the ground you enjoy the feeling of being in such a loving relationship like this.
Brian isn't your first boyfriend, but he's the first one you love and trust as much as you do.


It's getting dark pretty quickly, considering it's February, and it starts getting colder.
"You're freezing, let's pack this..."
You both tidy up, pack all things inside the basket again and you just wanted to go back to the limousine when you realized that Manson wasn't heading there as well.

You turn around and see him holding the door to the huge house open for you.
"Let's go inside"
Shaking your head in disbelief, you get into the house. It smells amazing, old wood, the touch of the smell of a fireplace...
A fireplace? So there's someone living here?
"Brian, how did you get inside here? Who owns this?"
You look around. It's big from the outside but even bigger inside.
Wherever you look, there are doors or little niches, pictures of people everywhere. You feel like you got a role for a film taking place in the 19th century.
A giant stairway guides the way to upper rooms, decorated with tiny statues.

"Well..." Manson starts.
"I found this some time ago. And I thought I would show you what kind of house I'd want to live in when we both get to live together..."
Still staring at the gothic interior, you need a moment to realize what he just said.
When you do, you turn around to see him standing closely behind you, taking your hands in his and kissing you gently.

"I love you [Y/N]. I love you so much, I need to know now". With that he got down on his knees, smiling shyly, holding up a ring.

"[Y/N] [Y/L/N], do you want to marry me?"
Tears start forming in your eyes, your hands start shaking and you couldn't form a full, normal sentence. "I-, oh my... Brian I..."
You look down at the man, YOUR man, waiting for you to answer. His beautiful hazel eyes filled with expectations, his face nervous and his hand a bit shaky.
"FUCK YES!!" You pull him up to you and kiss him deeply, joy filling you from the inside.
He kisses back relievedly, sighing against your lips.
When you pull back, he puts the ring on your finger. It was silver with a little diamond on top. Simple but elegant.
You kiss him again, then glance around once again. "And this house..."
He smirks and holds up a key.
"I hope you don't mind but... I bought it before. This is our house" he chuckles.

You just couldn't believe what he just said. This was like a dream and you would never want to wake up.

"I love you so much Brian"
Manson smiles.
"And I love you even more [Y/N]"
He kisses you, gently strokes through your hair while his hands roam your body.

"There's a bed... Upstairs... We could..." he mumbles in between your deep kisses and you grin.
This is the best day of your whole life. And it's not even over yet.

This gave ME the feels and I'm the author :'D

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