Silent [DRAMA] MM x Reader

451 10 3

[Trigger warning, explicit description of self harm, suicide]

With a squeak the front door opens.
"Brian, the door is annoying, can you fix it maybe?"

The house is silent.
Frowning, you walk around looking into every room of the big Villa you and your fiancé Brian own. He's not here.
"Brian??" You start panicking, recalling all the shit he's done to himself lately.

Already at the beginning of your relationship you were confronted with his huge tendency to self harming, but you got along with it.
Actually, you were convinced that you being with him made it better.
But still, he started cutting himself more and more the last few months and you were worried enough to not let him alone for more than half an hour.

The new album is going to be finished but there's still a lot to do, he's under pressure and his only relief is you.
You and the razor blade.

"BRIAN, WHERE ARE YOU!!?" you run around, desperately pushing the doors open until you get to the bathroom.

Before even touching the door handle you feel your heart break.
The feeling of being all alone starts coming up inside you, eating you from the inside.

Your breathing gets faster, and your vision starts to blur after you open the door.
He's in the bathroom.
A single razor blade on the ground.
Surrounded by blood.
Blood of the man you love with your whole heart.
With his front down he lays on the floor, eyes closed, body pale, the dark red liquid still dripping down his arms.

"BRIAN NO, PLEASE NO", you start screaming, crying, pull him up to you, pressing his cold, lifeless body against your chest.
"WHY DID YOU DO THIS" your voice cracks, your bloodcurdling screams echoing from the bathroom walls, splattered with blood from Brian's cut arteries.
You fumble with your hands, trying to find a pulse, any sign of him still being alive, unsuccessfully.
You break together, pull his dead body even tighter against you, let all your emotions out in screams, cries and tears.

You stroke his black hair out of his face lovingly while your tears run down your face, dropping to the ground.
Kissing his forehead, you whisper.
"How could you do this. I need you here with me"
You kiss him again and again, then look at his perfect face.

Even in death he's tragically beautiful, his fair skin so pale, his features calm, eyes closed like he's just asleep.
You wish he was.


You wake up, shivering.

This was the most realistic one of these dreams you keep having.

Breathing heavily you get up to get something to drink.

Down in the kitchen you grab a glass, fill some water inside it and drink it slowly, your mind still spinning.

You sit for a while in the room, then slowly get up to go back to bed.
As you walk along the long corridor, your eyes stay on the bathroom door.

With slow steps you get closer and open the door.
It's all empty, the white tiles perfectly clean, all utensils where they belong.
You look back to the ground and break together, tears running down your cheeks.

This is where you found him dead, just a month ago.

I know everyone will hate this but I literally wanted to write something like this for YEARS lol

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