Sleepover [SMUT] MM x Reader

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(probably a big age difference, highly sexual content)

"[Y/N] can you come over pls? I need you here"

It's obvious that Manson is into you. To be honest, he really is attractive, although he's much older than you, but you're not sure if he's your type, so you just laugh about his many attempts to get into a relationship with you and value the friendship you have.

You re-listen to the voicemail on your phone.
"[Y/N] can you come over pls? I need you here"
You smile and write a text back.
"Omw, what we doing?"
His answer is almost immediate.
"I'd like to kiss you but I'm also okay with just hanging out"

You put your phone in your pocket, get your jacket and car keys and drive over to Manson's house.

You two met through your friend Johnny Depp, who's been working together with you on a film. You got along with each other very well and some day during a party at his house, he introduced you to his close friend Marilyn Manson. That was almost three years ago.
You didn't even get out of the car and Manson already stood at the door frame, excitedly watching you lock your vehicle and walk towards him.
"Thanks for coming to my Marilyn Mansion"
"Not your MTV quote, oh god" you laugh and hug him.
"Well, let's go inside my darlin', I have cookies"
You ignore the nickname, he has been using it since the beginning of your friendship and you're used to it. Also, it's kinda cute.

"You made cookies?"
"I bought them all by myself", he grins and gives you the box he purchased.
Laughing, you get comfortable on his couch, once again admiring his amazing taste in style, not only referring to clothing but also to his interior design.

"You wanna stay the night?" He asks with a wink.
You laugh even more, shaking your head.
"No, I... Well, I could stay but not for the stuff you probably think about" you wink back.
He puts a hand on his chest, acting like he's shocked. "I would NEVER think about anything sex-related when having an attractive, beautiful, sexy woman like you in my mind. Never would, never will"

Now he's clearly messing with you.
You know about his crush, he already admitted to like you before but you rejected him because you had a boyfriend at that time.
Not a long time later this boyfriend broke up with you and after knowing that you're single, Manson's attempts to seduce you got even stronger.
You don't mind, you find it kinda funny and it somehow arouses you a bit, although you don't like to admit that.
"I'm going to get you some clothes to sleep in tonight. We can share my bed if you want..."
"No bed sharing Manson!"
He grumbles something you don't really understand and disappears behind a door.

You eat cookies, stare at the ceiling and try to think about something else, but your mind keeps drifting back to him. The way he confidently walks away, how he always flirts, not even trying to hide his feelings for you. You think of his hair, perfectly framing his face, these eyes with that intense color, his lips that are - when not painted dark - beautifully pink...

Holy shit, what just happened?
Your heart races, thoughts continue swirling around in your head. No, this can't be really happening...
"I'm coming..." You stand up, confused and somehow annoyed by yourself.
"That's what she said". You roll your eyes. You should've seen that coming... Arriving... Whatever, you don't care. You walk towards Manson, who's sitting on his bed.

"I got you something..." He whispers, giving you a little packet.
"For me?" You ask?
"No, for my cats. Of course for you"
You take the packet and open it slowly, taking a pyjama out. It was black with a big white pentagram at the back of the shirt and a small one at the back of the shorts.
"Uh, wow. Thanks Manson! I'm gonna wear this to our sleepover this night" you smile, hugging him.

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