Conversation [SMUT] MM x Reader

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(harsh language, graphic description of oral sex)

Nervously, you fix some folds in your blazer, fluff up your hair and exhale loudly.

This isn't your first interview, but it's the only one with a guest that you really adore.

You're going to talk to the one and only Marilyn Manson, your idol, hero and biggest celebrity crush. Some time ago, his new album, Mechanical Animals, was released and there are several questions your boss wants you to ask him, especially referring to the cover and whole design.

"Miss [Y/L/N]!" You turn around to a man standing there, guiding you into the small room with three couches.

A whole team of camera men walks in and out and you sit down on one of the comfortable, black sofas, leaning back and trying to keep your nervousness under control.

"It's just an interview, not a date" you silently tell yourself.

Taking out a small mirror, you examine your makeup to make sure everything's alright - of course you're being filmed.

"We're not live, are we?"

You recognize Manson's deep, raspy voice immediately. You turn your head to see him walk right into the room, his figure slim and tall as always, the platform boots adding even more height, his red hair messy and fluffy, eyes dark. He wears a carmine, glittery outfit, looking rather feminine but still hot enough to make you bite your lips in response to his appearance.

His eyes meet yours before you can close your mouth and he looks up and down on you, just to put on a sexy little smile and winking into your direction.

You blush, turning your head to escape his gaze but can't help to glance again, just a few seconds later to see him still staring at you.

You swallow and stand up, lifting your hand to shake his.

"Hello Mr. Manson, I'm [Y/L] [Y/L/N] and I'll be interviewing you today."

He takes your hand reluctantly, shaking it slowly and nods. His eyes are still focused on yours, seemingly looking into your soul with those red contact lenses.

"Nice to meet you, [Y/L] [Y/L/N]", he says and sits down on the other sofa.

"Oh, you can just call me [Y/N] if you want" you answer quickly, smiling a bit to try and make the situation less awkward.

"Then it's just Manson for you" he blinks, now turning around to check for any hidden cameras in the back of the room.

"You're probably experienced in the way interviews start, were not going to be filmed right away and will begin with some small talk right now, just making sure it's a calmer and more personal atmosphere... You know how it works" you keep explaining.

"Yeah... what do you think of this room?"
He asks once you're done.


"This room. Do you think it's too small for an interview like this?"

You laugh. "Well, it may be too small for your prominent appearance, but I guess it'll work for a twenty minute interview"

He smiles and seems satisfied with your answer.

You look at the tattoos on his arms, asking yourself if it would be too intimate to ask him about those now.

"This one if the first I got, I was 21 at that time" he suddenly tells you, pointing to the goat in his left arm.


"I saw you looking at them and thought you might want to know. Well, for your job of course" he grins.

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