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Chapter Twelve☀ Secret Vent Meetings ️☀️

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Chapter Twelve
Secret Vent Meetings ️☀️

Thomas slowly walked into a large room full of long tables, chairs and other people his age sitting around talking and eating. "Hey, Thomas!" Minho said as he and Felisa walked up to Thomas, Felisa using crutches to help her walk. "Hey, Minho, Felisa, what's going on?" Thomas asked as he glanced around slightly. 

"We weren't the only maze. Come on." Felisa said before leading him to a table where the group, minus Teresa, sat with a couple unfamiliar faces. Felisa sat down and just let her crutches fall to the ground, hating having to use them. Minho picked them up, leaning them against the table as he sat down next to her. 

"And there was this big, loud explosion, and these guys came out of nowhere. Started shooting up the place." A guy, David, said as they walked up. "It was intense." The guy next to him, Riley, said and David nodded, "They pulled us out of the maze and brought us here." He said. "What about the rest?" Newt asked, making them look at him, "The other people left behind in the maze, what happened to them?" Newt asked and David shrugged slightly. 

"I don't know. I guess WICKED still has them." David said, making Thomas and Newt glance at each other, "How long you guys been here?" Newt asked. "Not long. Just a day or two. That guy over there has been here the longest." David said, looking over at where a guy sat alone with his hood up. 

"Almost a week." David said, "His maze was nothing but girls." Riley said, making Felisa look at him with raised eyebrows. "Really?" She asked and David shrugged, "Some guys have all the luck." He said, making her roll her eyes before glancing at her friends. "Maybe that's where I was supposed to go." She said and her friends nodded slightly. 

"Good evening, gentlemen. Ladies." Janson said as he walked in making everyone look at him, "You all know how this works. If you hear your name called please rise in an orderly fashion, join my colleagues behind me where they will escort you to the eastern wing. Your new lives are about to begin." Janson said before opening up a file. 

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