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Chapter Seventeen☀️ Safety At The Right Arm ☀️

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Chapter Seventeen
Safety At The Right Arm ☀️

After a while of driving, the car slowed to a stop and everyone got out when they came upon a pile up of rusted, broken down cars. "Well, I guess we're on foot." Jorge said before they started walking past the cars, occasionally looking in them.  

Thomas furrowed his brows as he walked up to a car, looking at a small hole in the window. All of the sudden, a bullet hit the hood of the car making him jump back. "Get down!" Jorge yelled as everyone got down behind a car, "Take cover!" Newt yelled as multiple shots went their way.  

A second later, the gunshots stopped but no one got up. "Hey, is everyone okay out there?" Thomas called from where he was hiding behind a car with Jorge and Felisa. "We're fine." Teresa called out from where she was hiding with Aris, Brenda and Frypan.  

"Anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" Newt called out from next to Minho, "That son of a bitch, Marcus. He led us into an ambush." Jorge said, making Felisa and Thomas look at him. Thomas slowly got up to look out over the car before a couple more shots went their way making Felisa quickly pull him down.  

"What the hell do we do now?" Felisa asked as she looked over at Jorge, "Here. Hold this." Jorge said as he handed her something making her raise her eyebrows. "Is this a bomb?" She asked and he nodded, "We gotta create a diversion. You get ready to chuck it." Jorge said, making Felisa's eyes widened slightly, "Have you had this on you the whole time?" She asked as Jorge pulled out the button for it.  

"Everybody! Get set to sprint back to the truck! And hold your ears!" Jorge called out as Felisa glanced at Thomas, slightly alarmed before moving to sit up on her good knee. "Ready?" Jorge asked, making Felisa look at him with raised eyebrows. "To throw an actual bomb? ...Yes." She asked and he nodded slightly, "Good. One... Two..." He started to count down until there was the sound of a gun cocking.  

"Drop it." A woman said, making them freeze slightly, "Now!" She yelled making Felisa set the bomb down while they looked over to see two masked girls pointing guns at them. "I said drop it!" One of them yelled, making Jorge slowly set down the control.  

𝐑𝐔𝐍 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄 ➢ ᴍɪɴʜᴏ ⁽ᵀᴹᴿ/ᵀˢᵀ/ᵀᴰᶜ⁾Where stories live. Discover now