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Chapter Twenty-Two💀 Lawrence and The Last City 💀

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Chapter Twenty-Two
💀 Lawrence and The Last City 💀

"After the maze, I got picked up by a group headed to the city. They realized I was immune, patched me up, and they brought me here to Lawrence." Gally explained as the group followed him through the building.

"This group's been at war with WICKED ever since they took control of the city. But WICKED can't hide behind those walls forever. Day's gonna come, and they're gonna pay for what they've done." Gally said before stopping and turning to the group.

"Listen, uh, he doesn't get a lot of visitors. So, let me do the talking. All right? And try not to stare." He said before walking away making them glance at each other confused before following him. "Rose took my nose, I suppose. Rose took my nose, I suppose." A man, surrounded by plants with music playing, mumbled as the group walked in. There was another man there as well and the man talking, also had an IV attached to his arm.

"Suppose, suppose, took my nose... I suppose." He whispered as the other man glanced back at the group, "Gally, glad to see you made it back. Jasper told me what happened." The man, Lawrence, said as they walked up. "It was a slaughter. There's nothing we could do against those guns." Gally said and Lawrence shook his head as he messed with a flower.

"No, but they can only poke the hornet's nest so long before they get stung." Lawrence said as he brought a rose up to his nose, which he didn't exactly have much of. "Now, who are these people? Why are they here?" Lawrence asked but before Gally could speak up, Thomas did as she stepped forward.

"We need to get into WICKED. Gally said you can get us through the walls." Thomas said, and Lawrence looked at him, "Gally should know better than to make promises that he can't keep." He said as he grabbed a cane.

"Besides, that wall is only half your problem." He said as he grabbed his IV poll before turning to the group. "Getting inside WICKED is impossible." Lawrence said, "There might be a way now. But it doesn't work without Thomas." Gally said, making Thomas look at him.

"Is that so?" Lawrence asked as he stepped forward into the light. He had only half his nose while there were thick, blue veins and pale bumps covering part of his face alone with one of his eyes being a cloudy white. He looked like a crank, but he didn't act like one.

"Do you know what I am... Thomas?" Lawrence asked as he stepped up to them before leaning in towards Thomas. "I am a businessman." He said in a slight whisper before pulling back, "Which means that I don't take unnecessary risks. Why should I trust you." He asked.

"Cause I can help you. You see, if you can get me through those walls... I can get you what you need." Thimas said and Lawrence tilted his head slightly, "What is it that you think I need?" Lawrence asked. "Time. Every last drop." Thomas said and Lawrence scoffed lightly, "Is that what I need?" He asked.

"WICKED has something we both want." Thomas said and Lawrence stared at him for a moment, "I'll tell you what. Three can go for now. The rest stay down here with me." He said, making Felisa raise her eyebrows from where she stood with the group. "Seriously?" She asked and Lawrence shrugged slightly, "Just a little insurance to make sure you find your way back." Lawrence said and Thomas glanced back at the group.

"We have a deal?" He said, holding his hand out before Thomas shook it making Lawrence chuckle, "Gally, show them the way."

A few minutes later, Gally pulled off a metal cover off of a sewer hole before he, Thomas, Felisa, Newt and Frypan looked down into the hole. Gally walked away before coming back with a long ladder that he lowered into the hole.

"Be careful, Thomas." Jorge said before Gally started to climb down the ladder before Frypan spoke up, making him stop. "Gally, take care of these three." He said and Gally nodded, "Yeah." He said before climbing down.

Felisa started climbing down while Thomas waited for a moment before following as Newt sat down to fix his books before his hands started shaking a bit.


"Ew. This is gross. Jesus." Newt said as they walked through the sewer, "Yeah, this is great." Thomas said. "This is so how I dreamed this would go." Felisa muttered before Gally powered some generator making a bunch of lights turn on. "Stay with me. We got a ways to go." Gally said as they followed him.

A little while later, Gally opened a door and glanced around before walking through making the others follow him. They glanced around slightly as they followed Gally through a slight crowd of people dressed in mainly formal attire, a lot of them wearing surgical masks.

They followed Gally up some stares before glancing around tall buildings. Not a single one broken, or fallen. There wasn't a single broken window or anything. They all stood tall with lights on, on the inside. This city seemed completely untouched unlike the world they've seen.

"This is a long way from the Glade." Newt said as they stopped and glanced around, "This is a long way from everything." Felisa said before a PA speaker chimed on.

"Fifteen minutes to mandatory curfew. Please proceed home in an orderly fashion. Remember, this is for your safety. Thank you for your compliance."

"Yeah, we better get off these streets. And I know it's hard, but act like you've seen it before." Gally said before walking down the stairs as Thomas, Felisa and Newt glanced at each other, "Kinda hard to do that when we haven't seen anything like this before." Felisa muttered before following him.


The three ran across the street after a security car drove past, a siren going off as it did so. They quickly hid around the corner of a building as another car drove past. "They've definitely upped security. I'm guessing you shanks have something to do with that." He said and Felisa nodded slightly.

"Something like that." She said as they glanced around, "All right, let's get outta here." Gally said before they ran across the street.

A little while later they ran over to the city's wall before stopping, "All right, Newt, you're up." Gally said before he and Thomas helped push Newt up to a ledge. "Felisa." Gally said before he and Felisa helped her up where Newt grabbed her arms and pulled her up.

Once she got up, Gally turned to Thomas, "I got it." He said before jumping up and grabbing the ledge. Gally sighed, knowing it was only because Thomas still didn't like him.

Eventually they made it further up the wall before going up some stairs that led to a railing. "There it is." Gally said, making them look out to see a WICKED's building, "If WICKED's got Minho, that's where they'll be keeping him." Gally said before pulling a telescope out of a bag and setting it up on the railing.

"Lawrence has been trying to find a way in for years. Place is crawling with soldiers. They got surveillance everywhere. Scanners on every floor." Gally said as he looked through the telescope before leaning against the railing along with the others.

"Sounds like a bloody fortress." Newt said and Thomas nodded, "Yeah, I thought you said you had a way in." He said and Gally glanced at him. "I might." He said, making Felisa raise her eyebrows, "Hold on- You might? What the hell do you mean 'might'?" She asked.

"Take a look." He said as he stepped away from the telescope making Thomas look through before freezing slightly. "I said I had a way in. I didn't say you were gonna like it." Gally said as Thomas pulled away from the telescope.

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