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Chapter Fifteen☀ Goodbye Winston ️☀️

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Chapter Fifteen
Goodbye Winston ️☀️

Thomas slowly woke up and glanced around until he saw a crow pecking at one of their bags. "Hey! Get out of here!" Thomas said as he got up making the crow fly off as everyone else woke up. Thomas glanced at everyone for a moment before standing up to look around.

"Are they gone?" Newt asked and Thomas nodded, "Yeah, I think we're safe for now." He said and Felisa took a deep breath as she started to get up. "We should probably get moving before they come back." Felisa said and Thomas nodded in agreement, "Let's pack it up." He said.

Minho got up and turned to Felisa to help her up, "You okay?" He asked and Felisa nodded. Winston tried to get up but the littlest movement made him groan in pain. "Hey, man. You okay?" Frypan asked as he held his hand out to Winston to help him up.

They all climbed up the rubble and now that it was day time, they could finally see what the world around them looked like. There were many tall buildings but every single one of them were falling apart, some more than others.

"What the hell happened to this place?" Frypan asked as they walked down the road, glancing around at all the buildings. "I don't know. It doesn't look like anyone's been here in a long time." Newt said, "I hope the whole world's not like this." Aris said and Felisa shrugged slightly.

"Well, Ava did that the sun scorched the world. So maybe this is just the end of the world." She said and Frypan pointed at her. "That's sad, Fel." He said, making her smile and chuckle.

"Woah- Hang on, stop." Thomas said, making everyone stop and turn to him, "Do you hear that?" He asked. Everyone listened for a moment before they could hear the sound of a helicopter nearing. "Get down! Everybody, hide! Hide! Hide! Get in here. In here, in here!" Thomas yelled as they all ran underneath a giant slab of concrete that was being held up by rocks.

"Oh, damn." Felisa muttered as they watched as two helicopters and a huge aircraft flew above them. "They're never gonna stop looking for us, are they?" Minho asked and Felisa sighed and shook her head, "I doubt it." She said before they all climbed out.

After a little while they were climbing up another sand hill, "A little further, guys." Thomas called out as he ran up the hill. Minho held his arm out so Felisa could grab it to help her climb up the hill better. Eventually they all made it up to the top of the hill to find more broken buildings but further on the distance they could see fant mountains.

"Those mountains, that's gotta be it. That's where we're going." Thomas said and Felisa raised her eyebrows as she glanced at him, "That's gonna be a long walk." She said and Thomas nodded. "Then we better get moving." Thomas said and they were about to start walking again when Winstom suddenly fell. "Winston! Hey, Winston! Winston!" Thomas said as they all crowded around Winston.

He was gasping slightly as Teresa turned him onto his back slightly. "He's hurt pretty badly." Felisa said and Teresa looked up, "What do we do?" She asked. "Shit." Thomas whispered under his breath, "Winston. Can you hear me? It's okay." Newt said as Thomas stood up and looked out at the mountains.

Felisa stared at Winston for a moment before glancing around slightly, "I might have an idea." She said, making everyone look at her.

A few minutes later, Felisa had made something for Winston to lay on for people to drag. And right now, Minho and Frypan were the ones dragging him alone as they went back to their long journey to the mountains.

After a little while, the group started having to cover their faces with whatever scarfs or hoods they had to block the sand from getting in their face. "Gotta find shelter!" Thomas called out.

Eventually they found a good resting spot, outside the sand storm. They all sat around, drinking some of the water they had, pouring sand out their shoes and just getting their breaths back. Thomas and Teresa were up on top of a hill talking and looking out at the distance they had left.

"How's your knee?" Minho asked as he sat down next to Felisa as she fixed her knee brace. "This thing is annoying." She said and he chuckled, "Well, you need it." He said and she looked at him with raised eyebrows in amusement. "I think all the walking and running we've been doing kind of defeats its purpose." She said and he nodded, "Good point." He said while handing her a bottle of water.

She took a quick drink before handing it back to him and tiredly leaning her forehead against his shoulder. Minho looked at her with a small smile for a moment before kissing the top of her head as he rested his hand on her good knee.

All of the sudden Winston suddenly shot up, grabbing the gun and putting it to his head. "Winston!" Felisa yelled as Frypan quickly grabbed Winston's arm, pulling the gun away from his head right as he pulled the trigger, the bullet missing him. "Hey!" Frypan yelled, "Guys, get down here!" Aris yelled, making Thomas and Teresa quickly run back to the group.

"Winston what are you doing, man? Give me that!" Frypan said as they ran up, "What happened?" Teresa asked. "I don't know. He just woke up and grabbed the gun and then he tried to-" Frypan said as Winston was on his hands and knees, almost begging to get the gun back.

"Give it back, please." He said as Thomas crouched down next to him, "Winston, are you okay?" Thomas asked before Winston puked out what looked like black blood before laying back on the ground. "It's growing inside me..." Winston said as he lifted up his shirt to show the scratch marks those people left on him where surrounded by bluish-purple veins covering his entire torso.

Nobody said anything as they all just glanced at each other, looked away or stared at Winston. "I'm not gonna make it. Please. Please. Don't let me turn into one of those things." Winston begged as he reached his hand out for the gun Frypan held.

Newt sighed softly before grabbing the gun from Frypan. "Wait, Newt..." Thomas said as Newt walked over to Winston before crouching down next to him. He grabbed Winston's hand before placing it and the gun on his chest. "Thank you. Now, get outta here." Winston said and Newt stared at him for a moment, "Good-bye, Winston." Newt said before getting up and grabbing his bag.

"Go." Winston said weakly as Frypan, Felisa and Minho crouched down next to him before one by one, everyone grabbed a bag and started to walk away except for Thomas. "It's okay." Winston said as Thomas stared at him with teary eyes, "I'm sorry." Thomas said in a slight whisper. "Thomas." Winston said as Thomas grabbed his bag making him look at him, "Take care of them." Winston said and Thomas nodded before walking away.

When the group was a ways away, there was a gunshot in the distance making them all stop for a moment.

Later on, after night had fallen and the group managed to find another resting point where they had a fire going. "I thought we were supposed to be immune." Minho said as they all stared at the fire, "Not all of us, I guess." Teresa said. "If Winston can get infected we should assume so can the rest of us." Newt said.

"I never thought I'd say it... I miss the Glade." Frypan said and Felisa nodded slightly, "Me too." She said as she and Minho grabbed each other's hands.

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