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Chapter Twenty-Six💀 Reunited 💀

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Chapter Twenty-Six
💀 Reunited 💀

Felisa, Thomas and Newt walked through the medical wing as they got strange looks from doctors passing back. Eventually they had to duck into a room as guards started to run around, looking for them. 

"All R-16 personnel, report to their assigned stations." They heard someone's walkie say as they walked down the halls again. Thomas glanced down a hall before stopping when he saw Ava Paige making her stop and look at him. Newt and Felisa stopped and looked over tight before Thomas pulled out his gun and aimed it at her. 

Felisa glanced down another hall to see Janson walking past making her eyes widen. 'Thomas!" She yelled as she and Newt grabbed Thomas and pulled him back as Janson quickly started shooting at them. 

They ran down another hall with their guns raised making people start screaming and running away. "Minho? Minho!" Felisa yelled before a couple guards ran down, "Oh, damn." Felisa muttered. "Freeze!" One of the men yelled before the three quickly shot at them before running down another hall. 

"Shit!" Thomas said as they ran around a corner, dodging shots left and right. "Over here! There they are!" Someone yelled, making them turn around, firing at more guards. 

"Newt, get down!" Thomas said as they ran around a corner, the three of them getting on the ground. "Shit! I'm almost out." Thomas said and Felisa nodded, "Yeah, I am too." She said as Thomas got up and shot around the corner. Newt moved over to a bag before pulling out one of WICKED's electronic grenades. 

"Get back!" Newt yelled before throwing the grenade down the hall towards the guards. It went off, sending electricity through all the guards around it making Felisa laugh. "Nice!" She said as they moved back, "Let's go! Go!" Newt said. 

"You three, freeze!" A guard yelled, making them turn around, "Get down on the ground. Now! I said get your-" The guard yelled before suddenly getting cut off by Minho running up, slamming him into the wall. Minho yelled as he grabbed the guard by the jacket before throwing him through the window, letting out another yell. 

"Minho." Thomas said before he and Newt instantly pulled Minho into a hug before pulling away. Minho instantly noticed Felisa and they stared at each other for a moment before Felisa smiled, walking over to him and tightly wrapping her arms around him. "Is this real?" Minho asked as he tightly held onto Felisa before she pulled back slightly. She gently grabbed his face, smiling at him before pulling him into a kiss for a moment as Thomas went to check for any guards. 

"Shit. We got company!" He said, making Felisa and Minho pull away and as they all looked over to see guards running up. "Go! This way!" Thomas yelled as the four of them quickly ran down the hall, "Come on!" Thomas said as they ran before stopping when they saw Janson. "In here, in here." Thomas said before the four of them ran into a room as shots went their way. 

Thomas quickly shut the door and locked it as Jenson and the guards walked up. Jenson tried to open the door before he started banging on it while Newt and Minho knocked a shelf in front of the door. "Somebody get this door open." Jenson said as he moved away from the door, "Yes, sir!" 

"Shit..." Felisa muttered slightly as she glanced around, realizing that they were completely cornered. All of the sudden there was a sound of a drill before metal started to get cut making them all look over at the door. 

"Any ideas?" Minho asked as Felisa walked over to the windows before raising her eyebrows slightly. "I have one... but you guys aren't gonna like it." Felisa said, making them look back at her. 

Seconds later Thomas and Minho threw one of the tanks in the room out the window, watching as it hit the thing of water down below. "Yeah, that's doable. We just need a little running start. Probably gonna mess up my knee more but it's better than just standing here." Felisa said as they all glanced at each other before moving back. 

"You sure about this, Fel?" Thomas asked as Felisa shook a deep breath and shook her head, "Not at all." She said, making them look at her. "Nice pep talk." Minho said and Newt gave Felisa a look, "Yeah, we're all bloody inspired." He said, making her smile. 

The cutting stopped before the door suddenly slammed open, "Move it! Move it!" A guy yelled, making their eyes widen. "Let's go!" Felisa said before running towards the window, "Felisa!" Minho yelled as they quickly ran after her. 

"Oh, shit!" Thomas yelled before they all plunged down into the water. Janson ran over to the window and looked down before the four resurfaced. "Yeah!" Felisa yelled as she laughed before they all looked up to see Janson looking down. Thomas held up his middle finger before they went to get out of the water. 

"Minho, you okay?" Felisa asked as she helped him out the water while Thomas helped Newt out. "Yeah." Minho said before they all stood up until there was the sound of guns cocking. "You four, don't move!" A man yelled as they turned around to find several guards. 

"Take it easy." A guard yelled before Thomas moved to grab something. "Uh-uh-uh! Don't even think about it. Get on your knees with your hands in the air." The guard said before all of the sudden one of the guards turned and shot each one of them. 

"You son of a bitch." One of the guards said as they all groaned in pain before the one guard moved toward the group before taking their mask off making Minho's eyes widen. "Gally?" Minho asked and Gally nodded at him, "Minho." He said before looking up at the broken window. 

"You guys are nuts." Gally said, "It was Felisa's idea." Newt said and Felisa nodded while Gally shook his head slightly. "I'm not surprised." He said before they looked at Minho who looked like he saw a Ghost. 

"I'll explain later." Felisa said as she grabbed Minho's shoulder.

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