Surprise~ (smut.. obviously..)

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Context: Their anniversary and they both got presents for each other-

Content warning: Lingerie (kill me./j), riding, leashes, a very kinky picture that I drew (kill me./j), aaaaaaaaaaand I think that's it. Lets get on with it you kinky motherf*ckers.

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John woke up to Alex, sitting on his lap. "Mm.. this is a pleasant morning~" he muttered half coherently, due to the fact he's barely conscious. "Mhm~ Happy anniversary Jacky~" he said, leaning down go kiss John's forehead, he couldn't reach much so he kissed a spot on his horn instead. John put his hands at Alex's hips. "Hey hey, I'm teasing. I have a surprise for you tonight!" Alex said, smiling. "I do too love." John replied, chuckling. 

The day went normal. The morning started off with pancakes, Mania and Washington randomly appearing in their house to have some said pancakes. Ash also randomly appearing. Then all three leaving. John sighed and kept on drawing, blocking out everything with his loud music. In specifics, Life Itself by Glass Animals. 

He was also accidentally blocking out his husband, who was trying to get his attention. Alex flicked him in the nose, making John flinch and knock his glasses off of his face. (Blind couple, both incredibly near-sighted. Like me.) "Oh! Sorry baby..!" John chuckled nervously. Alex smiled softly. "Pfft- at least I got your attention now!" He chuckled. Alex pulled a small bag out from behind his back. "I have a surprise for you!" he said, handing the bag to John. "Oh? What is it~?" "That defeats the whole purpose of surprise silly!" Alex giggled. "Open it." John did as told, smiling. His smile got wider. "A case for my drawing tablet?" He smiled. John turned it around. "It has turtles on it,  Lexi~!" He squealed excitedly. He carefully [put the case down then pulled Alex in for a hug, then lifted him up and spun him around. "I love you I love you I love you!" He yelled, laughing a bit. Alex kissed his cheek. "I love you too now put me down! I have to give you the second part of this gift. And the first part of tonight's! " He demanded, giggling. 

John finally put him down. "Show meeee?" he asked with the puppy dog eyes Alex couldn't resist. "Okay okay." Alex turned a bit then pulled up the waist line of his black underwear and revealed in light mint letters, 'Property of John Laurens.' "Ooh~ Now that's nice." John said, chuckling. "Do I get to unwrap tonight's gift as well~?" Alex nodded. "Do I?" John nodded. "But first."John pulled up his boxers to reveal the waist line. 'No touching unless you're Alex Hamilton.' "Ooh, great minds think alike love!" Alex smiles. 

The day continued. 

A gift for Alex, which was hand warmers in the shape of s'mores. Which Alex was already using. Then he looked at the clock. "Sh1t..!" He muttered. John was gonna get back in a minute, he was putting the kids to bed. Like a good dad. Alex said good night to them of course.

-time skip music- 

John saw the door to the bedroom to the door was closed. "...Alex? Why is the door closed~?" He asked, chuckling. "N-No reason~!" Alex replied through the door. "Can I come in~?" John asked. No response yet. "Alex~?" John's asked. Alex opened the door. John took in the sight. "I... holy sh1t~" John look at the white lacy lingerie his husband had on, and surely it was definitely meant to coax John in. It was working of course, John could feel his pants get tight looking at Alex and his features, of course, being Alex he had to add thigh highs to seal the look. 

John gently pushed Alex in the room then closed and locked the door behind him. "Baby you look adorable.. You wanna top me today~?" He asked. Putting his hand at Alex's waist. "Mm.. no thanks, when I said I wanted to get f*cked until I was dizzy I meant it Jacky~" he said, chuckling. "Wait. I gotta get your present." He said, going into the closet. "But Jooohn~!" Alex whined. 

John quickly got changed knowing his husband was going to be impatient. He came out a moment later, In a similar outfit to Alex's but black, and it was much tighter on his body. An he was wearing a light pink choker that was attached to a leash. "Ooh~ I like that sight~" Alex mutters. John smiled knowing Alex was looking at his abs, ass, or c0ck. "Can you take off the bottoms though dear~? I wanna get easy access to all of that~" he giggled. 

Alex smiles and watched and John took off the underwear and kicked it to the side. "Yay~" Alex cheered quietly. He tugged the leash gently, making John go towards him. "This is cute and all but, I'm going to take this off now~" Alex chuckled, taking off the leash, and John's top, he chuckles at how handsy his husband was. "Okay then, also, I already put on a condom. So do as you please~"

"Hm.. Can I ride you..?" Alex asked, almost innocently. John nodded. "But I don't want you hurt, so I'm stretching you, okay?" John said sitting up. "Kinky but gentle, that's why I love you~" Alex laid back into the pillows and watched as John slowly slid down his (-sigh-) panties. "Ooh...Alex you're wet.." John smirked. Alex smiled and chuckled. John slid one finger in slowly into Alex's hole, he hears Alex letting out a small mewl of pleasure. "So sensitive~" John's smirk grows slightly as he hears the assorted mewls, whimpers, and moans spilling out of Alex's mouth. He adds another finger, beginning to scissor and stretch his partner. Alex's moans get higher. John adds one more finger, finally stretching him fully. John takes his fingers out then laid back, next to Alex. "Ready?" Alex nods. John watches as  Alex positions himself over his c0ck. John holds on to his hips as he lowers himself, whimpering quietly from the pleasure.

 John holds on to his hips as he lowers himself, whimpering quietly from the pleasure

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"You okay baby?" John asks. Alex nods. "You can m-move now~" he stuttered. John started thrusting into him. Alex's moans started up as he bounced. John lets out soft groans, watching Alex bounced on him, watching his face get more flushed and erotic with each bounce getting harder and deeper, hearing his moans get higher and especially more lewd. "J-Jesus, I stretched you and you're still tight~!" John said, biting his lip. "I-I'm not t-tight y-yo-you're ju-just big!" Alex said , cut himself off with a loud moan. "G-GOD F*CK R-RIGHT THERE!" He cried out, moaning loudly. John thrusted into Alex harder, aiming for that spot. Alex cummed hard, panting. John panted as well, he came in the condom.

He helped Alex get off slowly. Alex laid next to him, tired, but okay. John smiled back. "Did you like your present..?" Alex asked, chuckled. "Obviously~" John replied, kissing his forehead. "Yay~" Alex whispered, slightly drifting off to sleep. John fell asleep as well, holding his sleeping husband in his arms.

(1181 words... oof..)

I had fun writing this tbh.

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