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I'm finally back lmao

Here's a story where George and King are struggling getting Rowan to sleep


George woke up to soft whines and sobs heard on the baby monitor on the nightstand next to him. He gets up, making sure King was still asleep before slinking away to the nursery. It wasn't Ella this time, she was 9 years old and sleeps through the night, Orion is only 5 but he also slept through the night, thankfully. It was their youngest daughter, Rowana, or Rowan. He opened the door where the small little whimpers were the loudest, he closed the door behind him. “Hey there…” he whispered, picking her up. Rowan’s cries are always quiet, she scared herself when she cried loud. She gripped onto the neckline of George's shirt. He rubbed her back hoping it would coax her back to sleep but that didn't work.

King came through the door not long after. George smiles softly and lets him take Rowan from his arms.

“I thought I was the one getting up first.” He kissed George's horn, earning a hushed chuckle.

“I wasn't really asleep when I heard her anyway…” King hummed in response, Rowan's soft cries didn't cease.

“She didn't need to be changed and she's not hungry.” George got worried. George looked down at her. Her round puffy cheeks were tear stained and damp and flushed. King put the back of his hand to her forehead.
"She's kinda warm…” his eyebrows furrowed. Her hands kept gripping on King's arm and part of his shirt.
“Maybe we should change her out of the onesie?” King suggested. George shook his head, the stress was getting to both of them now. King just bounced and rubbed her back while he held her.

A rough 5 minutes had passed and Rowan’s sobs hadn't let up at all. She got changed, she got a small feeding, she was rocked for a bit, they turned on her music box. All to no avail. King laid on the floor with Rowan on his chest, she stretched widely and her head fell into the dip in his neck. George sat next to him.
“Maybe we should call Martha…?” King looked up at him. George nodded, then stood, walked into his bedroom and grabbed his phone, wincing at his full brightness and started to call Martha.

The line picked up.
“Geo? It's 3 in the morning? What's wrong?”

“Rowan won't stop crying and we've literally tried everything please help.” He muttered, almost sobbed really.

“Jesus- Slow down. You're lucky I got off early tonight. I'm coming over, alright?” George sighs in relief.

“Thank you.”

“Yeah yeah.”

Rowan stopped crying as time passed, she only lowered into small whimpers. George came in the room with Martha, who is as nearly as tired as them.

“Let me see her.” She demanded. King sat up and raised Rowan high enough for Martha to take her. Martha did her routine checks, being a professional nurse of course.

“She's teething.” Martha looked at the two.

George sighed in relief, again. “Oh thank fuck.” King chuckled.
“Fangs aren't pleasant to grow.” Martha smiled then held Rowan close and kissed her cheek.
“But that's okay because your dad's are desperate to get sleep just like you are!” She cooed.
“Just pop one of her binkies on the freezer, she'll be fine.” She chuckled, booping Rowan's nose with a soft spark. Rowan’s eyes started to droop. George took her to place into her crib. She immediately falls back asleep. George bends over and gives a soft peck on her head before putting a small navy blue blanket with stars on it on her. King smiled watching over the both of them. George stretched his arms out and left the room.
"Noapte bună, micuțul meu.” (good night, my little one) he whispered before following behind George.

  back in black
I hit the sack
Anyway yay fluff
I have one more oneshot someone requested and I need to get that done lmao

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