Sleepy time smooches.

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Alexander, burning the midnight oil as usual. He checked the time on his phone. 

'4:30...sh1t.' He thought to himself. He sighed defeatedly then raised his hands "I'm stepping away from the desk Jacky." He says, defeated. "Good-" "HOLY SH!T I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE ACTUALLY THERE." "...Alexander you should know me better than that." He deadpanned. 

Alex saved what he was working on and turned off his computer. He turns to a very tired and very unamused John. "What was our agreement?" He asked. Alex sighed. "1:00..1:30 at most.." 

"Correct. Come on." John scooped up he partner and put him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. 

"John what the hell- ...nice a$$."

"You get no a$$ it's four in the d*mn morning." John grumbled.

John laid Alex on bed and cuddled him like a teddy bear. Alex grumbled. "Alex go to sleep.." "I caaaaaaan't!" he whined.. Alex yawned ironically. "You sure about that?" "Shut it." John kissed Alex's cheek..and nose and forehead, making his partner giggle "John stop we're gonna wake the kids up!" "I can't help it, you're adorable.." he smiles. Alex finally relaxed and yawned..  "G'Night love." "Night Ally cat."   

-teh end-

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