And Estella nearly fucking dies (crack fluff)

24 1 3

Overview: Estella is just a funky little girl, she loves playing, however, she is also... not... exactly... the best decision maker.

Requested by ———>> 

Okeyyyyyy les go

Estella was around 2, maybe 3 now, she has a head of curly blonde hair, foggy blue eyes that can barely stay in focus for more that 2 minutes, her horns and tail were still kind of growing but that's okay. 

Mania watched as she flipped and tumbled and twirled all about. "Nice tricks Ella, but c'mon, it's nap time." Estella shook her head, "Not sleepy!" She ran out of her room, and knocked on the door of King and George's. "Dad! Papa! Loo is trying to make me sleep!" She whined. King opened the door. "C'mon little princess, why don't you wanna sleep?" He picks her up and tucks her curls behind her long pointy ears. "I don't wanna!" she crossed her arms. "I wanna do tricks!" George came to the door, and put her hand on King's shoulder. "Ella, baby c'mon, it's your nap time, otherwise you'd be grumpy later. Okay?" He said, trying to calm her down. King put her down gently, still holding her hand. "Come on, let's go." He smiled. Despite being 6'10, he was still able to reach the tiny ball of energy. "Noooo!" She frowned. She took her hand out of King's and did a cartwheel...

Down the fucking stairs.

King grabbed her with his tail just in time before she sustained any bad injuries and George rushed over. "JESUS- ESTELLA DON'T DO THAT-" King scooped her from his own tail. "Are you okay?!" George checked her for bruises or cuts or anything. "Yep!" Estella smiled. Lucky for her it was a carpet staircase. Mania huffed. "This- fucking- HALLWAY." She mumbled. "I'm sorry y'all." George facepalmed. Estella finally yawned. "Okay I'm sleepy now." King and George groaned. "Loo, you're free of your duties. And remind me to get a gate for the stairs."

The end

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