What's wrong but feels right revamp (smut)

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Remaking a Kington chapter. But with trans!Wash because why the fuck not

George Washington, a powerful general yes, but in this case, he was trying not to lose his shit.

George sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, trying not to break the fuck down over re-reading the letter the King sent him.

'Good Tidings General Washington,

It seems like the war has concluded and Britain reigns superior has it not? I seem to recall a deal, that if Britain conquers the war. You come live in the palace as a.. not a friend per se, but a person willingly coming to be taunted for the most part. I doubt anyone missing you will try and object to this, seeming as they will in probability be hung for treason. I have no apologies for the most part.

Oh right, how inconsiderate of me since you have no one. Not even a wife.

I'm rather giddy seeing you, I've heard many whispering about the great man himself you know. Especially how.. fearsome he is. I do hope these whisperings are true. I would love to gloat about how I got intimidated by the great George Washington.

Signed, Monarch Kingston Tribus The Third.'

He broke down, by clenching his hand into a fist, crumpling the parchment in his hand. He dropped the letter, sighing shakily. He looked down at his hand to see soft pink crescent moon scars from digging his nails into his palm. He looked back up, contemplating what he was going to do, he ran his fingers through his dark brown curls.

But that was then.

'Then' was at least a month .

Now, he was sitting in a library in the castle, reading. He wasn't incredibly focused on the book, it was late in the evening, and George was tired as hell. He glanced up at the entrance, watching as a certain 6'10 blue eyed dirty blonde came in and disturbed all peace George had with himself. He sighed, closing the book. "George~" he said, chuckling, the lustful tone not coming through to George. "Kingston." He said he was already pissed off at the sight of him. King thought nothing of it. He approached George, sitting on the table starting to play with his now fluffier curls.

George pulled away from him, cringing slightly. "Don't touch my hair thank you. And what do you want even though I could give less of a damn." George said, putting his book aside. "How would you like to be pleasured~?" King asked, lifting his chin and rubbing his bottom lip with his thumb.

"Shot directly in the forehead, so I don't have to deal with your annoying ass." George said, deadpan.

King chuckled. "Well damn, I knew you didn't like me but come on~" he cooed, smirking. George rolled his eyes. "What the hell do you want?" He asked, not putting up with his shit anymore. "Well I do have a bit of a problem.." King admitted, standing. George glanced down to a visible erection.

'Goddamn.. he's big..' he thought. George immediately snapped himself out of these thoughts. King was a heathen, why was he attracted to his size?

He huffed. "How is that my problem? You could easily ask any woman to deal with it." George said, standing, looking up to meet his eyes. King had an advantage, him being 6'10 and George 6'2. King put a hand at George's waist, pulling him gently. "I don't want 'any woman' George. I'd prefer you." He said, lifting George's chin with his pointer finger, beginning to rub his bottom lip with his thumb. A light flush went over George's cheeks as King pecked his lips before going in passionately. George hesitantly gave into the kiss, cupping King's cheeks getting pulled closer to the taller man. King pulled away. "Shall we continue this in a more... suitable area~?" He asked with a smirk, raising his eyebrow. George sighed. "Fine- HEY!" King smiled and lifted him up, carrying him to his bedroom.

"You are aware I could've walked right?" George said, getting onto the bed as King closed and locked the door. "Fully aware. Fucks not given." King said, going in for a kiss, George once again hesitantly melted into. George started to paw at King's collar. King pulled away, smirking, then started to undress himself and George.

Once they were fully undressed King laid the smaller man on the bed before nipping and biting at his neck. King rested a hand at George's chest, which was bound tight with bandages, George shivered, cringing. "N-Not my chest." King pulled away. "Apologies." King said, planting a soft kiss on George's forehead then going down. 'Holy shit he's muscular' King thought. No six-pack but George was pretty toned. King got down to George's crotch starting to insert his tongue into the smaller man's entrance, earning himself a faint moan. King kept going, letting his tongue explore George's walls, starting to press his tongue against George's clit, causing his moans to spike. King felt George's hands get tangled into his hair, tugging slightly. King took his hands away as he pulled his tongue out and sat up.

King went back to George's neck, slowly inserting his cock into the smaller man, hearing him wince. "Are you okay?" George nodded. "I'm fine.. don't stop.." he trailed off, his words getting slurred almost drunkenly, then started to fade into moans as King began to thrust into him. King gripped onto George's hips, starting to hit the sensitive bundle of nerves that made George scream out in pleasure. George gripped onto King's back, leaving red scratches in place, burying his face into his shoulder audibly moaning in his ear driving King nearly crazy to hear his lewd noises.

George bit into kIng's shoulder, feeling a hot tight knot in his stomach, he leaned back. "K-King I-" he came, feeling the knot unravel , as he panted. King pulled out, cumming into the bedsheets. King laid next to his lover, both of them catching the bedsheets. King pulled George to his chest, letting him rest. "How do you feel?" "Okay.. tired.. a bit sore to be honest.." he chuckled. "Not my fault your cunt couldn't handle it." King smiled. "Oh shut up." George groaned, pushing his face away. "I didn't know you would be so tight Geo~" George rolled his eyes. "I'm not tight, you're just big- WAIT-" "HAH! George Washington of all people thinks my cock is big." George sighed. "Fuck you." "Isn't thwart what I just did?"

King continued to taunt him about this.. what did he expect?

1078 words-

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