Lovely strings of time

47 1 12


Kinda short, sorry


Huntsmen AU, non canon.

I was 15 when I first saw him. 

Performing on that big stage with not an ounce of fear. 

Those sweet songs he'd sing, sometimes staring directly at me during a few of the lyrics. The craftsmanship of his suit is so delicate. So perfect. Something I could only dream to do.

I often chuckle at the wonder of his strings getting tangled in the process of all his shows.

Or how he never rusts or bends incorrectly or squeaks. Such lovely strings.

The audience roared as he bowed. He spun that lady, Adrienne was it? A co-worker. They bowed again and glided off stage. The giant arrangement of people ushered its way out. I was able to see him.

I was 22 when I saw him again up close.

I was allowed to go back stage to meet him. I stared at that navy suit with gold collars, it tucked into his torso, which rotated, but it was still blue. Coat tails were in the same style, the corners and edges lines with gold fabric, but it's not that bright gold, kind of like you need sunglasses, it had a cool tone to it, I loved that. He had warm skin, it paired nicely, which is an understatement, honestly. I was able to meet him, shake his hand. He gave me a group photo of the cast with their signatures. 

I was 25 when we fell in love.

We kissed with love and we spoke with compassion.

We weren't able to legally marry, we were at risk dating anyway. He was my mission. But we couldn't stop.

I was 27 when I saw him die.

On that stage. His strings were tangled, horrifically, the ones at the neck especially, those were snapped.

His jaw was detached, and his arms were loose and falling out of the sockets, his knee could show the tendons that were keeping him together and he was rusting. I've never seen him rust.

And I was 30 when I died.

I was killed on that stage. 

I got revived, obviously. But seeing him hurt like that. Was horrible.

That's the first time a sight of him was horrible.


And those lovely strings.

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