The red lines on his arms..ANGSSTTTTT.

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Tw: $3lf-h4rm..

PSA: If you are struggling with $3lf-h4rm, talk to someone.. please..

Sorry Washington..

Washington: -sighs- 

Angsty fluff


(Estella* makes her debut in this one to cheer y'all up)

(*The bio child of King and Wash.. if you're gonna ask how ask in my Q&A book -w-; )

Washington never was the type to be depressed. But looks can be deceiving. It was especially odd that he always covers his wrists, everyone just thought it was because of the bracelets Mania gave him. "Hey Geo!" George flinched and quickly put the bracelets on. "H-Hm..?" He hid his arms behind his back. "..Are you okay love..?" George nodded. "D-Do you need something?" he asked. "I can't drop by to see my husband without reason?" King asked, chuckling. George smiled, a light dusting of pink appearing on his face. "...But in all seriousness, what were you doing?" King said, approaching his husband. "Erm..." George looked down, almost ashamed.

"Geo?" King asked, cupping his cheek. George sighed sadly then showed King his arm. King looked at him confused. George took off his bracelet and showed scars. Many overlapping scars, some older and faded, some fresh and bleeding. George took off the bracelet on his other arm, the same thing, except the cuts were actually bleeding. King's heart dropped and you could see it in his eyes. "I-I hit a vein.. Couldn't stop the bleeding before you came in.." he muttered, avoiding to look at his husband in the eye. King got a few tissues then helped clean the blood off of George's shaky wrists, not saying a word. "King..?" George got worried. And when he does he starts spiraling. "Princey talk to me.. Please..?" he asked, looking up at King. "S-Sorry.. I.. Why didn't you tell me about this earlier..? I would've tried to help you.." King replied, upset. "I.. don't know.." George muttered, his voice cracking slightly.

All of a sudden a certain perky British blue eyed dirty blonde curly haired 5 year old girl came into the room. George smiled at the sight of her. "Hey 'Stella.. Now's not really a good time.." King said, ruffling the loose curls on her head. "Oh.. sorry. But.. were you talking about the red lines on Dad's arms?" she said with a sniff, not a sad sniff, just a sniff kids do randomly. The awkward tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

..They talked about it later.

Teh end of that.. -w-;

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