What The Heck!

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*Beep *Beep *Bee-

Morning already?

7:30 A.M

Still early

I'm going back to sleep


7:30 A.M?

Oh shit!I'm late!

Midoriya starts to get get ready,brushing his teeth and all that
Oh!Don't forget about breakfast.


Midoriya is now running with a bread in his mouth

Midoriya: Thwhis just havwe toh haphen...

I can't believe i overslept!
I set 7 alarms,and i still can sleep without ever noticing that...darn do i have a good dream or something?

Wait a damn minute...

Why the heck would i care about going to school?

It's not like it'll make any different if i'm there or not

Nothing good ever happen to me at school

Being in school means getting bullied,being insult,getting picked on,suicide baits and yeah you get the idea

It give nothing but pain

You know what

I'm skipping school

And with that thought,Midoriya went back home


It's 6:12 pm
A certain someone just woke up from his nap.


6:12 pm...

I nap long

...does that even count as nap?

Doesn't matter

I'm thirsty and hungry

Midoriya rubs his eyes and get up to the kitchen

*Open fridge*



How did i even forget to buy food

I guess i'll be eating pizza tonight


Here,we can see our little bushy green bean laying on his stomach,phone on his hand while eating pizza

MrCoffe:why in the heck would you even want to try that?

Unstable:Why not?

MrCoffee:That shit ain't normal

Unstable:I didn't ask if it's normal or not

MrCoffee:...I fucking hate you

Unstable:Thank you


MrCoffee:Let's just pretend that conversation did not happen

Unstable:Fine by me

MrCoffee:So...how's your day?

Unstable:Slept through it

MrCoffee:Don't you have school?

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