I Need A Nap

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"Yo,I'm home,everybody!" Hizashi cheers,walking in with grocery.

"Welcome home,pa."

"I shall grant you your death."

And a groan from his husband are what he received as reply.

"And what is this about granting my death?" He asks,curious at the replay from Izuku.

Izuku just stay silent,choosing to focus watching the TV and ignoring him.

"He's in one of his weird mood again." Hitoshi explains.

And he nods,make sense. The little listener would say odd things and act weird sometimes. He's not sure why,maybe it's how he cope?Maybe it's the trauma?

He go to the kitchen and put the grocery on the table. He yawns,feeling tired .

Today was exhausting. Now that Shouta was given a long vacation,paperwork increased. He forgot that his husband is not only a teacher and a hero but he's also 'the unofficially vice principal' as his coworkers dubbed. And the principal had decided to dump Shouta's work on him.

He sighs,wanting to take a bath to ease his tiredness.

"-to break into someone's house!"

"You are not going to break into somebody's house,'zuku!"

He sighs,is this how Shouta feels all the time?

No wonder he's always napping.

He drinks a cup of water,feeling the cold liquid down his throat.

He washes the cup and put it on its place.

He walks out the kitchen,deciding to go upstair to shower and take a nap. And so he did.

After showering,the tiredness lessen,he feel relax and plop down the bed. He closes his eyes,sighing in relief.

Listening to the conversation downstairs. It's muffled because he's upstair and in his room but he can still hear them.

"-how is that fun?"

"It is fun,imagine the adrenaline we will be getting if we got caught breaking in."

Ah,they are still having the same conversation.

Also what is with Izuku and wanting to break into people's house?

"-no,just no. You'll be caught and put into juvenile."

"Then we can use sleeping gas before getting in!"

"Don't sound so proud suggesting that, and since when am I involved?I never wanted to break into someone's home."

"Lies. You planned to harvest my organs and tracked down my home."

Hizashi chokes. What? Hitoshi did what?  Or maybe he didn't.

There are silence for a bit until he heard Shouta speak up.

"Hitoshi. Explain."

"...You and pa already read through my chat with him."

Oh yes,he did remember,that was concerning but it slipped out his mind when he saw most of the texts are flirty. And because he was too happy to know his son had a friend(boyfriend?)back then.

"Wait hold up!What?"

Oh,Hizashi could feel second hand embarrassment creeping in the little listener.

"Oh,they read it."

Hitoshi,you fool. How can you be so smart yet stupid at the same time?

"...I want you to know you will be sleeping on the floor tonight."

Hizashi snorts. They sure act like married couple,even though they aren't boyfriend yet.

"It's my room you're sleeping in,you can't kick the owner of the room and tell him to sleep on the floor,that is just rude."

"Too bad. I'm keeping my words."

Good,let him sleep on the floor.

"And I thought you love me."

"Not anymore."

"You're the worst boyfriend I've ever dated."

And Hizashi goes back to choking on his spit,good thing he's alone in the room or else Shouta would be musing about him choking.

But hold up. They are actually boyfriends????Since when?!

"Hitoshi,take a look at yourself and tell me who is sane enough to date you?You totally never dated anyone but me. In full offense,look at this mess of a teenager standing right in front of me."

Oh,so they are dating. But also,ouch,burns.

"Wow,rude. Just rude. This is abuse."

Hizashi snorts and he has a feeling that his husband is snickering quietly drinking coffee watching those two. (He is correct)

"It's not abuse. It's ..." He can feel Izuku grinning.

"No,don't you dare." And he can totally hear the annoyance in Hitoshi's words.

"EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!" Izuku finishes.

And then a groan and they start fighting.

He sighs,despite being tired,he still has a small smile.

Those two are sure handful.

He yawns. For now,he will take a nap until Shouta leave for his patrol. He'll let his husband handle them. He's so ...sleepy.

And he fell asleep. Trusting his husband will wake him up before he head to patrol.

Hope you guys enjoy!Thank you for reading,commenting and voting!ByeBye!

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