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"Alright,little listeners!We're off to work,give us a call if anything happens,kay?"

"We get it,pa."

"Hopefully you problem children don't set anything on fire.I'm looking at you,Midoriya."

"What did I do?"

"Hitoshi,babysit him."


"Babysit me?I'm not a-"

"Good.We're going."

"Wai-"Izuku didn't get to finish what he wants to said because the door was already closed.


"Shut it,Hitoshi."

"Dang,someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today."

Izuku groans.Hitoshi takes his hand and lead him to the living room.

Izuku looks around,admiring the surrounding while Hitoshi sits on the couch looking at his crush.

Goddamn,he's just too cute.Is this even legal?How can he be this cute?Those emerald eyes shining l-



"Are you alright?You were uh staring at me.Do I have something on my face?"

"I'm okay.Just got lost in my thoughts."

"Oh.What were you thinking about?"


"I-" Izuku's speechless,red climbing up his face and ears.

Ah shit,that just came out of his mouth.He wasn't thinking,again.

Oh gosh,fuck his traitorous mouth.


"W-wha,w-why were you t-thinking about me?"

Because you were being cute and my gay ass couldn't help but stare at you.

Yeah,no.He's not gonna say that.


Or you know what?Fuck it.If he can be confident online,he might as well be more confident in real life too.You gotta have confidence if you want to be a hero,right?

"You were being cute and I can't tear my eyes off you."


"Yeah,I think you're cute. Extreamly cute."

"I- I thought you said you don't have this kind of confidence in real life."

"I don't.But,I decide might as well fuck it and be more confident."

"Eh?I- I um don't really know how to react."

"If I'm you.I'll also have no idea how to react.So,uh,how about I show you around the house and we can uh watch TV or play video games?"

"Su-sure,um,do you really think I'm c-cute?"

"I do.I mean,who won't find you cute?"

"A-a lot of people..."

"Well then,they're blind."

"Are they,though?"

"They are blinder than Dora."

That gets a snort out of Izuku,so he counts that as a win.

"And don't give me that crap about not having a quirk.Those anima-excuse me,I mean prople,are just being quirkist as fuck.It wasn't like being quirkless means they're any different from those with quirk.We're all going to die one day and we're all human."

Hitoshi looks up at Izuku,startles.

"W-why are you crying?Was it some-" He got cut off by Izuku,who's hugging him.

Hitoshi just silently pats Izuku's back and let him cry on his chest.


"Hey,you okay now?"

"Y-yeah,thank you." Izuku sniffles.

"I guess I can show you around next time.How about we watch a movie or play video games?You pick."

"Mo-movie sounds good."

"Sure,you pick the movie,I'll get the snacks."

"Wh-what do you wanna watch?"

"Any movie that you pick.I'm not picky."

"So if I pick a horror movie,will you hide behind me?"

"Oh please,if anything I think you're the one who'll hide behind me."

"I'm can handle horror movie." Izuku proudly says.

"Yeah,right.Also,who watch horror movie at this time?It's noon now."

"Hey,you can watch horror movie at any time."

"People mostly watch them at night."

"Shush and go get snacks,Lavender boy."


"I am not a masochist!"

"Nah,my inner sadist says you are."

"Well,your inner sadist is stupid." Sticking his tongue out at Hitoshi.

"Wonder how deep my tongue can reach in your mouth."


"You heard me."

"I heard nothing.Absolutely nothing."

"I said-"

"Nope!Just go get the snacks,I'm hungry."

"Hungry for m-"

"Just get the snacks!" He throws a pillow at Hitoshi,who is laughing.

"Alright,alright.Your majesty."

"Yeah,I have a very high position,you should obey me as your ruler,peasant."

"You may have a higher status than me right now but I'll have that status once we're in bed and you'll be obeyin-" he got cut off by another pillow thrown at his face again.

"For the sake of my sanity,shut up and get us snacks so we can watch the movie." Glaring at Hitoshi who has grin on his face.

"Alright.Got it." Hitoshi walks to the kitchen but not before he adds something else.


"I'm not a masochist!" Follow by a pillow hitting the kitchen's entrance wall.

Hope you guys enjoy!Thank you for reading and voting!ByeBye!

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