A bet?

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After they done eating,they check on Hitoshi's body

Hizashi/Shota:They are dead

Shota:I'll burn the damn school with the students and teachers in it

Hizashi:Make it looks like an accident

While the two are busy discussing you know what,Hitoshi had already left to the living room.He's watching tv.

After a while,the two stop.Shota got to do some patrolling after all.Hizashi already asleep and Hitoshi laying on his bed texting his friend.

Unstable:What the heck man?!



MrCoffee:You need to sleep!


MrCoffee:I am aware

Unstable:Well then don't tell me to sleep


Unstable:Just why?

MrCoffee:Like i said,you need sleep

Unstable:Just cause i didn't sleep for a few hours doesn't mean i'm tired!


MrCoffee:You didn't sleep for years...your sleep schedule is worse than mine and my dad's.

Unstable:I do sleep

MrCoffee:You mean naps that lasted for only a few minutes


MrCoffee:Yeah no,go to sleep

Unstable:Shut it,dad!



Unstable:Anyhow,how's your day going?

MrCoffee:Don't change the subject

Unstable:What happen to the 'checking up on me to make sure I'm okay'thing?


MrCoffee:Fine,how are you today?

Unstable:It was okay,bearable..i guess

MrCoffee:That's good..

Unstable:Now your turn to answer my question


MrCoffee:The usual but a little bit different

Unstable:I got a question

MrCoffee:What is it?

MrCoffee:Better not be weird question


Unstable:And my question is always normal

MrCoffee:Yeah sure,asking about how tadpoles taste like is normal

Unstable:I have a feeling you just rolls your eyes while typing that

MrCoffee:And you wont be wrong

Unstable:Well then...:)

MrCoffee:What's with that face..?

Unstable:You'll see:)


'Unstable' changes 'MrCoffee' to 'Dad'

Dad:You cannot be serious with this

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