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"I wonder how they'll react."

"They're going to be in shock, kiddo."

"You get in first then I'll make an entrance!"

Hizashi chuckles. "Alright."

He opens the door,greeting his husband and son. "I missed my family!"

He heard a groan from Shouta.


"He's gone back to sleep."

"Aww." Hizashi pouts."I was really excited to surprise him with a gift."

Shouta lifts his head slightly,curious. "What gift?"

He grins,stepping in the room and reveal what or who is behind him.

Shouta gasps,eyes wide,not believing what he is seeing.

"Surprise,Aizawa-Sensei! I came back from the other side! "

Shouta open and close his mouth as if he wants to say something but no word come out,his eyes then rolls back and he fainted.

Izuku blinks at his teacher's reaction.

Hizashi slaps Izuku's arm,"You could've ease him into it!"

"Well,that's not my way amd it's not my fault your husband can't handle the truth."

"Everybody has a hard time to believe that you are alive right now. And I still am processing. You died then you're suddenly alive."

"You people can't handle simple little things."

"That is not a simple ! Dead people don't just come back to life!"

"Heh,what can I say? I'm too coool to die."

"....Where did those sunglasses came from and why so many?"

Izuku ignores the question.

Hizashi frowns. "Maybe I should've left you get abduct."

Izuku gasps. "How could you say that? I'm your ...uhhh son's friend!"

"...friend."Hizashi says under his breath,eyes full of doubt .As if they're relationship are only friends. He...he had walked on them doing some not so family friendly thing.

Hizashi shakes his head to chase the memories away.

" It doesn't matter,I-" Hizashi stops taking when he saw the spot where Izuku was standing on is now empty. Where is -?

He heard a groan.

When Hizashi turns around,he saw Izuku sitting on top of his son.

"What the- get off him!"

"I..zuku?" Hitoshi calls,still groggy from sleep.

Izuku smiles."I'm back,Hitoshi."

Hitoshi blinks a few times. Clearly still not processing who is in front (on top)of him.

A few minutes then Hitoshi sucks in his breath and flip Izuku onto the bed."Izuku?"


Hitoshi gasps. Seems like he's now awake.

Hitoshi hug Izuku really tight,scared that he'll be taken away again if he didn't have any grips on him.

They both cried,hugging each other,not wanting to let go.

Hizashi watch with a smile,his eyes glassy,he's so glad to see Hitoshi out of that state.

He leave those two alone and went to check on his husband. Putting a kiss on his forehead.

Hope you guys enjoy!Thank you for reading,voting and commenting! I'm sorry this isn't long,I made this in a rush.Bye bye!

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