Who's there?

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Midoriya:I'm home!

Silence.No greetings.It's been like that ever since he was a kid.

Midoriya:Not that anybody would answer anyways

He was about to go to his room when he heard a noise coming from the kitchen.He thought maybe it was his mother,but then he realizes that his mother never come home this early.She comes home at 11:20 pm - 12:50 Am.Never 6:12 Pm.

He's feeling nervous,wondering who would be in his house right now.

He took an umbrella that was rest on the door and walks to the kitchen.

He hid behind the walls and peeks.He saw two man in blacks with weapons.

Shit.What do i do?

Call the police?


Fight them? 

Scream for help?


I should stay calm right now and think rationally.


Two guys in kitchen

Both have weapon

I don't know their quirks

Not sure what they came here for


I don't have advantages here,so the logical thing i should right now is keep quiet and call the polices.

With that in mind Midoriya try went to the front door to get away from them and call the polices

But of course,luck is not on his side.His right hand accidentally hit the vase on the table.

Thief 1:Who's there?!

Oh shoot..

Midoriya quickly run upstairs and locked his door.He push his bed to the door.Hopefully he can stall some time.

He called the police,they should be here in 10 minutes.

Thief 1:Did you found whoever it is?

Thief 2:No,they're fast.

Thief 1:You think whoever that is already ran out?

Thief 2:I don't think so,if they did we could've hear the door closing

Thief 1:What about the windows?

Thief 2:Idiot!The window have bars

Thief 1:Geez,I'm just asking.

Thief 2:Let just check every room in this house.

Thief 1:Yeah,yeah

After 5 minutes

Thief 1:Any luck?

Thief 2:No,have you check this room?

Thief 1:Not yet,maybe they're here.

Oh no...

They're gonna find me and kill me...

But isn't that what you wanted?

To be dead?

You don't have to plan anything,just sit back and let them kill you.

It's easy


That's true...

I shoul-


Not yet...

I still want to take revenge on everyone in the school and I still want to taste the ice cream muffin at the new cafe

And you think you could have all that?

Your plan will fail and you'll make a fool out of yourself

And food?

Pfft-you'll get-

Shut it,negative thoughts!

I'm not dying until i fulfill those thing and this is the worse damn time to have you pop up right now.

So kindly fuck off!

Midoriya then craws in the vent that lead to his ceiling.

Just in time the door was pushed,in a not very kind way.Poor door.

Thief 1:No wonder it's hard to open the door,there are a bed blocking it

Thief 2:That's mean that there someone in here after all

They chuckles.

Thief 2:Come out,Come out.Whoever you are

Thief 1:Yeah,we just wanted to talk

Thief 2:Yeah,we got lost when trying to search for our key.

Who do they think i am ?

A child?

And how the heck do they even lost their key here?

Fucking liars

The two thief then started searching the room.

Thief 1:The hell?Where are they?

Thief 2:I don't know?We checked everywhere!The closet,bathroom,mini space behind the table,under the table.

Thief 1:Maybe their quirk made them invisible?

Thief 2:That could be it!

The two started to activate their quirks.

Thief 1 can turn his fingers into mini knife,thief 2 can changes his hair into scales.

Aight,I'm dead

If they decided to check here or shoots scales and knifes here,I'm totally gonna be injure or dead.

Please let these people be idiots

Suddenly,blue and red light could be seen,sirens could be heard.

The polices are close.

Thank goodness

Thief 1:Damn it,they must have called the polices

Thief 2:What do we do?

Thief 1:Find the person,we use them as hostage

Thief 2:But we don't know where they are

Thief 1:Use your quirk and shoot them everywhere.I'll be outside the room.

Thief 2:Okay



What do i do?

What do i do? What do i-

Midoriya was shot,his left leg has 5 scales in them.He hisses in pain.

Even though the scales are shiny and colorful,it hard and sharp.

Thief 2:Found you

Midoriya panicked

Hope you guys enjoy it!
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