A Great Morning

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It was such a great morning.Izuku woke up and was feeling off,like something bad is gonna happen soon.

So like a normal person he is,he ignored the feeling and try to continue his journey to slumber land.

...he could've been in slumber land right now if the knocking on the door would just stop.

"For the sake of my sanity,please open the fucking door and stop sleeping."

He never knew the door could talk but whatever,it's not his problem anyways. Others could deal with the talking door.

"That's it!I'm getting the key from your mother!"

"What..a weird door." He yawns and closes his eyes.

Hope he can continue his dre-


He opened an eye and gasped.Is he drowning?

He can't see,too busy coughing.Did someone throw him in a river?

"Wake up,you have school today."

After a minute of coughing and getting no help from the drowner,he finally calmed down.

"A-Aizawa- Sensei?"

"Problem child."

"Did you just drown me?"

"No.I was waking you up."

"You drown me in a river!"

"River?Seems like you're still groggy from sleeping.Do I really need to drown you in a river then?"

The lingering of sleepiness cleared away.He laughs nervously."I'm awake!What's for breakfast?"


"...I guess I'll know once I went downstairs."

Shouta sighs and walks out the door.

"Morning.Well,well,look who's up."

"Shut it,Hitoshi."

"Whoa.Not even a good morning."

"Fuck Monday morning."

Inko reprimand him."Izuku,language."

"Not sorry,mum."

She shakes her head.It seems like her son is in a bad mood.

"Did you sleep well,baby?"

Izuku takes a seat beside her and chugged down the thermos filled with coffee that was steaming hot.

"It was shitty as heck.I got a nightmare then woke up in the middle of the night,then when I fell asleep,it was already morning.Then,Aizawa-Sensei woke me up when I have a good dream."

Hitoshi hums."Sounds like you have a good sleep.

Also,you do realized that that was my dad's coffee, right?"

Izuku looks him dead in the eyes."I chose death."

Hitoshi blinks."Totally not concerning at all."

Hizashi clears his throat."Are you okay,little listener?"

"Do I look okay to you?"


"Yeah.Can I die,please?"

"Izuku!Don't say thing like that!"

"But mom,it's Monday.Monday's the worse."

"Oh,cheer up.It's your first day of school in a new school.You could make a lot of friends."


"Geez,you look disgusted at the words friends."

Izuku sighed."I would rather be send to a mental hospital and interact with mental patients."

Inko frowns at her son's words."Izuku."

"Mum,can you send me there?"

Inko takes a deep breath and exhaled.She decided to change the topic."Today's the day your father going to come back from America.He's already settled everything to come back .Isn't that exciting?"

"...I have no father."

"...Izuku.I know you're mad that Hisashi has not been in your life for years but he's still your father."

"I have no father."


"I have no father.He's dead."

"Hisashi's not dead."

"Dead to me."

Inko's angry.How could her baby boy say that?It's his own father.

Whether he's in his life or not,Hisashi is still his father.

"Izuku.I will ban you from using electronic devices if you don't apologize for saying such words."

"I regret nothing.I have no father.He's dead.A fucking deadbeat."

Now she is enraged.She slaps her son's face.Hard.

The slap left Izuku's left cheek swollen and bleeding.One of Inko's nail accidentally grazed his cheek,a bloody trail of blood dripping down."

Everyone was shocked of what had just transpired.

Hizashi quickly check on Izuku's cheek and help him to treat the injury.

Hitoshi was frozen in his seat.He was contemplating on what to do but his mind strayed and he remembered something from his past.

Inko's was shaking from being too enraged,looks at her hand that slapped her son.Wondering if she'd really done that.

Shouta who's been standing in the kitchen's entrance since Inko brought up about her husband,he stayed silence as that was not his business,was also shocked to see she'd slapped Izuku.

He noticed that his son is going to have a panic attack and quickly calm him down before it would happen.

What a way to start the morning.

Hope you guys enjoy!Thank you for reading and voting!Bye bye!


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