Ah,Peace...For Now That Is;D

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"Good morning everybody!"Hizashi greets excitedly.

The responses he get was so underwhelming but he didn't mind.

Hizashi understand that not many people likes being awake early.

He wonders if he should add strawberries on the pancakes on or.

Maybe he'll put the strawberries in the bowl so anyone who likes them can eat it.

" Zashi."

He hums in reply,not looking back at his husband who is drowning himself in coffee.

"I'm going to expel everyone if them."

"You said that everyday."

Ah yes,this is a normal conversation.

In fact,they have the same conversation every morning.

Shouta would declare he will expel everyone that morning and then a student or more would be expel.

He wonders how many students would have been expelled today.

The current students in Shouta's class right now is 8.

Hitoshi sighs."Why can't I join online class?"(I also want to sleep late like Izuku,Lucky bitch."

"Because the online class only permit students who has problem like extreme anxiety or learning disabilities to join."

"I have social anxiety."

"It's a light social anxiety. You just don't want to socialize with others."

Hitoshi groans."Izuku don't even have soc-nevermind,he does."

"We should teach him how to overcome that problem later." He suggests.

Shouta grins."You teach them both that."

"...You just want us three to suffer,Shou."

Shouta grin widen."Yes."

"And I thought you love us." Hitoshi said.

Shouta glances at Hitoshi then closes his eyes."Not anymore."

Hitoshi and Hizashi let out an offended gasp.

Hizashi clutches his shirt,putting on the pitiful face."How could you not love us anymore,Shouta?"

Hitoshi puts the back of his hand on his forehead,his expression remain natural."Yeah,how could you,dad?After all these years,you're going to abandon us now?How cruel."

Shouta rolls his eyes."Damn drama kings."

They both let out a snort.

All in all,it's a peaceful morning.

Meanwhile with our chaotic green maniac.

He's sleeping on Hitoshi's bed,dreaming of flying asscaroon.(Yes you read that right:D)

Hope you guys enjoy!Thank you for reading and voting!Sorry for the short chapter:') )

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