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~ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇɢɪɴɴɪɴɢ~

"The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time."
- Mark Twain

Athena Jane Jackson was born on 27th June. Her big aqua green eyes blinked quite irritatingly at the bright light of the hospital. She didn't cry. She never did. She just blinked. Her mother, exhausted, looked at her. Even through all the pain of labour it was clear that the woman was devasted by her looks.

Athena looked exactly like her father. Curly hair, aqua green eyes and straight lips.

When Alina Jackson went to see her newborn in the incubator, a part of her hoped that her child's father might come. He was informed of the day of labour after all. But, he didn't. She should've expected it.

It was such a Sherlock Holmes thing to do.

But, she couldn't possibly blame the child. It wasn't her fault. It was Alina's.

God, was she ashamed.

Sherlock had made it completely clear that he wanted nothing to do with her and the child ever again.

Athena wasn't supposed to know about this. She didn't either. Everytime Athena asked questions about her father, Alina dodged it. She gave Athena work to do and slowly, Athena stopped asking too.

She started talking when she was 1. By the age of 10, she had finished studies of school level. Her passion went for forensics, so similar to that of her father. Even though IQ is never passed on genetically, there was no doubt that this child was a worthy daughter of Sherlock Holmes.

Alina wanted to expose her to college, but, she was afraid. What if she met him and found out? That would be terrible.

That would be humiliating.

So, she kept quiet, keeping Athena in her grade level.

When Athena was 15, she was as cunning as hawk. Her eyes were sharp and alert. Her mind was clear and focused. If she put her mind on something, nothing, absolutely nothing could stop her. She had the chestnut brown hair of her mother, but the curls belonged to that of her father.

She had the cheekbones of her father and she had the mind of his too. Everytime Alina looked at her she saw Sherlock. But, one thing Athena had from her mother. Her kindness and love. Sherlock said he never really had emotions, but Alina never got a chance to know him. He left right after he realised Alina had used her. She regretted everything she did.

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