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Athena got used to her new life really fast. Soon, she was used to the constant bickering of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. Mrs. Hudson always cooperated her. And she loves Mrs. Hudson.

She and Uncle John ordered an armchair for her. Athena was really satisfied with the delivery. On each Sunday, she and John would go to her Mother's grave and John would let Athena speak to her. John had grown up to be rather too fond of the youngest Holmes. John treated her like a sister and daughter. And Athena loved it. Sherlock was quite jealous of how John treated Athena. They even had a quarrel about it. When, Sherlock and John have quarrels like these all Athena does is take out John's phone and record the whole thing for later Black mail.

However, currently, Athena and John were out. Leaving a certain detective home.

Sherlock was bored - incredibly and utterly bored out of his mind. Belarus was one of the most boring cases he had ever been on. When Athena heard the case, her immediate deduction was quite right. Barry Berwich had had dissociative amnesia. In fact, the instant he was put to trial he remembered why he killed his girlfriend. It was because her girlfriend had been trying to get him off the booze and when he'd returned home the night, completely drunk, she'd yelled at him. So, he killed her.

People do such strange things sometimes.

Sherlock's boredom had even got to the point where he'd scrubbed off the first smiley face from the wall and had painted a larger, a new one. Then he'd proceeded to assemble the new grey winged armchair Athena and John had ordered without reading the instructions. That had taken good portion of an hour.

Sherlock slumped in his chair in his chair, a groan escaping from his lips. He sighed and stretched his long legs in front of him, crossing one bare foot over the other. Sherlock pointed his L9A1 Browning at the wall, a smirk tugging at the end of his thin, pale lips as he heard the main door open and then shut.

Athena and John appeared to have returned.

Now, he had audience.

So, he might as well put up a show.

Sherlock shot the smiley face at the wall the bullet hitting the wall and echoing around Baker Street like a whip cracking. He shot it once more as John and Athena ran up the stairs. John had his fingers to his ears while Athena had a wide grin painted on her lips as if she was proud of what the elder detective was doing.

"What the hell are you doing?" John demanded angrily.

"Bored." Sherlock said, sulkily. Athena smirked and bit back laughter.

"What?" John said, trying to ensure he heard Sherlock right.

"Bored!" Sherlock shouted jumping off his chair and to his feet, his gun outstretched.

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