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Athena knew that they had five hours to solve the "Mysterious Swimmer" as John put it, Sherlock highly agreed, but that didn't stop her from feeling she might snap any moment. Her mother died, she was out in custody of a Sociopath, and then James Moriarty comes in waltzing like a bloody pig. Can her life get any better?

Athena, spread over the papers Sherlock gave her to find the information they needed. According to Sherlock, Carl Powers was a young swimmer, who had gone for a swim competition, had some sort of fit in the water and drowned. Carl's clothes were found in his locker, but his shoes were nowhere to be seen. Sherlock was young, eight he said, he made a great fuss about it ("Of course you did" Athena had said), but, the police ignored him. Athena was now looking for proof to show that the pair of trainers found in 221C had actually belonged to Carl Powers. She was flipping through pages of pictures of Carl Powers.

"Sherlock?" She called, hoping Sherlock would reply.

"What?" He barked from downstairs, coming up to the second level. He set the chemistry equipment on the table Athena was working, making space for his own little laboratory.

Athena sighed. "Let me help you, Dad. Please. I need to know what goes in the head of my Daddy, don't I?" She smiled at the end hoping Sherlock would return the smile, but he merely glared.

"You could, by telling me who the hell Moriarty is!!" Sherlock snapped, slamming his fist on the table. Athena, shocked by the reaction, backed away immediately, not wanting to anger him anymore. Sherlock realised how he reacted and sighed looking down, slightly ashamed. Athena, however, was not letting him go, until he feels okay. She walked to Sherlock and patted him on the shoulder. "Take deep breaths, Dad. It helps, believe me." She added, when Sherlock raised an eyebrow. It certainly worked, as Sherlock suddenly leaned against her daughter's chest, and took deep breaths. Athena was shocked, but she liked the feelings. So, she stayed.

John came storming up the stars a few minutes later. Athena began to walk towards her stuff, to start looking more, but Sherlock held her back. Athena couldn't help but smile.

"It's your brother." John said, inwardly smiling at the pair, but putting a stern expression on his face as he showed his phone. "He's texting me now. How does he know my number?"

"How does he not know your number?" Sherlock said, finally letting go of her daughter, snatching the phone out of John's hand. "He's Mycroft."

Sherlock frowned and rolled his eyes at the message.

Any developments?

-Mycroft Holmes

"Must be a root canal." Sherlock mused.

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