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"Athena! Sherlock!" John, said, panicked, as he ran up the stairs to his flat. He blinked his gaze, drawn up to the to the boarded up windows which Sherlock made Athena do. Sherlock was too lazy to do it, even though he was awake all night.

Athena looked at her father, who was picking the strings of his beloved violin. Sherlock slapped her hand away, merely glaring at her. Athena huffed. Sherlock looked at John's armchair, his eyes narrowing in disgust which was now occupied by non other than Mycroft Holmes.

"John," Sherlock greeted John stiffly. Athena mimicked snapping Sherlock's bow on his knee.

"Athena, do that, and there will be hell to pay."

John looked at Mycroft, then at Athena, then at Sherlock. "I saw it on the telly? Are you okay?" He asked, directing the question towards Sherlock.

"Oh, yeah, we're absolutely fine, Uncle John! Look, I finally met my Uncle Mikey!" Athena smiled at Uncle John.

Sherlock ignoring Athena's reply, said, "Hmm? What?" He glanced at the broken glass that still littered on the floor, because Athena said, Sherlock needed to help her. "Oh, yeah, Fine. Gas leak, apparently."

He turned to his brother, clearly displeased by his presence in the flat. "We can't."

"Can't?" Mycroft repeated in disbelief.

Sherlock shrugged. "The stuff we've got on is too big. We can't spare the time."

"Never mind your usual trivia." Mycroft said, pursing his lips. "This is of national importance."

Athena watched The Holmes Boys fight among themselves in delight enjoying herself immensely.

Sherlock sulked and pulling his violin even close and plucking the strings absent mindedly. "How's the diet?" He implied the insult wondering what Mycroft would say.

Mycroft remained calm though his forehead twitched in aggravation. He looked at the John and Athena. "Fine. I hope one of you can get through him."

"What?" John asked, sauntering over to the window to inspect the damage.

"I'm afraid my brother can be very intransigent." Mycroft replied.

"If you're so keen," Sherlock sneered,his lips tightly pursed. "Why don't you investigate it yourself?"

"No, no, no, no, no," Mycroft said hurriedly, shaking his head slightly. "I can't possibly be away from the office for any length of time. Not with the Korean elections so . ." He trailed off as Sherlock, John, looked at him quizzically. "Besides," He went on, "A case like, it requires - legwork."

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