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They drived through the busy city of London and Athena watched the city, taking in it's beauty. She always lived in London, but everytime driving through the city was magical to her.

They stopped in front of a café and Athena looked up and peered through the window, immediately recognising his father, for he looked so like her. He had the curls, eyes, cheekbones and complexion just like Athena's.

Athena looked at the social worker pointing at the man.

"That's him, righ'?"

Social worker, smiling said, "Yes. Come on, dear."

She unstrapped her seat belt and gestured Athena to do the same. She stepped out of the car, her nervousness being taken over by boredom.

She was not at all interested in stuff like these. She didn't want to live with Sherlock Holmes. She barely knew him!

She walked into the café with Rose.

"Mr. Holmes!" She called, successfully grabbing the attention of the man, who looked up, his eyes bored. He certainly wasn't fond of this outing. Athena tried to use her deducing skills on him, but could read nothing. Absolutely nothing. She frowned. Sherlock was looking at her too. Eyes identical to her's gazed at her and he was analysing her. Athena hoped for her sake that he could read nothing.

Rose went to Sherlock and shook hands with him. Athena walked to Sherlock and said, "Hello."

"Hello. You're Alina's girl, I suppose." Sherlock looked at Athena.

"I have a name, y'know." Athena replied through gritted teeth.

He smiled, lines crinkled beneath his eyes. "I know."

The cool and calm way in which Sherlock talked with her even though he hated her made Athena's blood boil. She glared at Sherlock, all her emotions fading away. He made her feel empty as if, she had no heart in herself.

"So you better call me with that."

"So, you're er.... Sherlock Holmes." Athena said, examining Sherlock trying to make another deduction, but failed. "Y-you're difficult, to erm-- read."

Any person maybe surprised by this question, but Sherlock just looked thoughtful.

Sherlock said, "I could say the same for you." Athena walked and sat opposite to him and shrugged.

"I am not that hard to be read." Athena said.

Sherlock shook his head. "You're by far, the only person I found with only one deduction."

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