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Athena entered the house. The scuff marks and scratches on and around the main door and the key hole showed numerous signs of forced entry. The green paint on the wall was so dark that it was almost black. The attendents of this place were certainly very interesting to her.

Suddenly, an elderly woman with blonde hair greeted her as she walked out from a door on the side of the staircase in the hall.

"Oh, you must be Sherlock's daughter!" She smiled as she ushered the girl through the hall to her kitchen. "I am Sherlock's landlady, Mrs. Hudson."

"Athena Jac---Holmes." Athena stuttered as she told her last name. Mrs. Hudson noticed her uneasiness as she said, "Dear, don't worry, you'll get used to this place. Now, take this cup of tea and let's clean and organize your room. Ah, it's so good to find a woman in the house!"

Laughing to herself she handed Athena a cup of tea. Athena smiled at Mrs. Hudson. She found her amazing. She gestured Athena to follow her. Athena, gladly did so.

The room was clean and beautiful. It had a large window with a sill wide enough for Athena to sit and read books. She found a huge shelf on the right and smiled. "Great for my books." She muttered.

Mrs. Hudson smiled at the girl. She said, squeezing Athena's hand she said, "Make yourself at home, dear."

"Thanks, Mrs. Hudson." Athena smiled and turned to her room and started organizing her stuff wondering about how her new life would be like.


"Athena! Dinner is ready! Come out of your room!" Athena heard John yell from the kitchen. "Coming!" Athena said back, clearing up the last of her books and running to the kitchen.

"Sorry, just - books - organizing - stuff!" Athena panted, washing her hands in the sink. John smiled. "It's okay. Go clean your hands. You'll eat in our apartment."

Athena nodded. She washed her hands and ran up the stairs and almost stumbled over a brunette girl.

"Oh, damn, sorry -" Athena stuttered, but the woman said, "It's okay. You must be his daughter."

She gestured at Sherlock who looked at Athena, his eyes narrowed. Athena frowned at Sherlock. "Erm . . . Ya. . I am . . . . His daughter I mean."

The woman smiled. She was wearing a beautiful glittering black gown. "I am Jeanette, John's girlfriend."

"Oh, Hi, I guess." Athena greeted, never one for small talks. She said, "Maybe, I'll come after you finished your dinner."

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