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Athena was about to tuck her phone away, when another text popped.

I will meet you, Athena. Play along, or someone gets hurt.


"I-I I'm going for a walk. See you in couple of minutes." Athena mumbled as she put her phone away and stormed out of the room, banging the door behind her. She walked a fair distance away from the two men and walked halfway down the hall. Her face turned into a snarl as she leaned against the wall of a locked lab and read the new message.

In a hurry, are we? Room-236. Now.


Athena tucked her phone in her pocket and walked around searching for the room. She passed several doctors and nurses. Her hands had started to sweat badly, and she was taking deep breaths to calm herself.

Athena stopped in front of room 236, and pushed open the door, her posture immediately straightening at the sight of the dark haired man sitting on top of the lab table, nonchalantly tossing an apple in the air, catching it with ease. He didn't look up when he heard the door close, but a smirk made it's way up his way and he said, "Hello, Athena. Long time no see."

His light Irish accent was enough to make Athena feel anger boil up inside her, but, she kept a straight face. Athena said, "Hello, Uncle."

James hopped off the table and started circling Athena. Athena, held her head high as she followed his every movement with her eyes. James walked to Athena and said, softly, smiling, "Did you miss me?"

Athena replied, "Can't say I did." James grinned and tapped Athena's nose with his finger. He sang. "You're lying. You know I know when you lie."

Athena flinched as James tapped her nose, yet again. James noticing the flinch, put his hand away immediately and said, "Awwww. You know, you used to love it when you were a baby."

Athena sneered, "Well, I am not a baby now, Uncle."

James faked a thoughtful face as he said, "Hmmmmm. . . . Speaking of being a baby, how are you doing? After Alina died?"

Athena said, "Like you care?"

James smirked. "I don't. Just thought that maybe I would show you that I care."

He walked back to the table and took his apple threw it to Athena, gesturing her to eat it. Athena, took a bite and was eating while James said, "You have gotten older and wiser, Athy." He smiled at her, with a proud look on her face. Then, he came back to Athena and pushed a strand of her curly black hair behind her ear, seeing the red crimson blush form in her niece's pale cheeks and went on, softly whispering now, "But, I guess, it is for the better. You are living with the great Sherlock Holmes after all. Your bonding with your Dad is quite well, isn't it, Athena?"

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