Chapter XVII - Sky

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"Have you seen Hannah?" William asked Rob, who was turned to left, facing the sky and clouds while the thundering wind beat against the plane.

They had been on the plane for a good while now, at least an hour, and it had mostly been silent between them. Hannah was acting very quiet and depressed.

"Rob?" William tapped Rob's shoulder and leaned only to find him passed out and pressed against the seat.

William sighed and leaned back in his chair, deciding he may as well try and rest while he can and worry about Hannah later. But then he heard knocking at the bathroom door, and he realized where she is.

He tilted his head curiously over the seat, watching as angry people barked to get in. William say up and walked down the isle, pushing past the already angry people and making them furious as he knocked on the door.

"Its William." William looked around the angry crowd of people as he knocked again, trying to ignore the looks they gave him when the door suddenly clicked. William entered in and looked back to shut the door and lock it so nobody would barge in.

Hannah was crying and staring at the mirror in front of her, her makeup if not already ruined was now in a mess on her face, making her look sort of like a clown.

She sobbed into her shoulder, a tear running down her cheek. They were both shaken up and filled with adrenaline from the chase, and William looked up at her, still sad as ever.

"What's wrong?" Even thought William knew it was funny to ask that. The sound of that gunshot lingered in there head simultaneously, the sounds of old man Herb crumbling to the ground like a pile of ash.

"Is this worth it, to break some stupid curse. These random people are chasing after us now and- they want to kill us." Hannah shouted a bit too loud. She wiped her makeup but that smudged it all over her face a bit more as she sat flimsily on the countertop, sprawled about. She looked at herself in the mirror to see a tiny afraid girl.

"We've got nothing left to lose Hannah. And if we wanted to turn back, we would still be hunted after I suppose. They clearly want us more than whatever we're searching for." William argued, rubbing her back as he stepped forward to comfort her and taking the strands of wet hair out of her face.

"Don't you see it? Maybe you've got nothing left to lose but I have. I have a family, who needs me. Even if I didn't, we just witnessed someone die." Hannah furiously pushed Williams hand off her, and spoke the word 'die' as if it was a bad word. She was messed up from what she'd saw.

"Hannah, we're doing this for a good cause. This is my mother, not some random old lady. We'll end this curse for good." He elaborated, smiling at the thought of him being a hero. But Hannah looked like she had something else on her mind. She looked away, but William was already on her case. "Are you alright?"

"What if I could've saved Herb? What if I, I dunno, could've used my wand and save him. Would he be alive?" This prompted William to kneel beside her as she looked around confused.

"Don't think that way. You were in shock, that's how everyone would've reacted in your position." He insisted, holding her hand and she wiped the tear with her messy hoodie.

"Then how come you didn't act that way? You didn't even shed a tear? Why's that?" Hannah suggested, when suddenly someone started angrily knocking again and unlocked the door.

"Is something going on in here?" One of the flight attendants said, looking like an old grandma as she furiously spoke and looked around in her posh glasses. William stood up and helped Hannah off the countertop where she had sat.

"No ma'am." William and Hannah walked out the  small bathroom as they got dirty looks from the passengers. "You want a snack or something?"


Rob pushed through the rows of chairs, heading to the back of the airplane as it thrust around in the air aggressively, holding a cup in his hand which split in generous amounts as the vehicle shifted, approaching the woman in a flight attendant suit.

His eyes had bags under them, clearly he had been disturbed in his sleep and wasn't in the best mood so to speak.

"Excuse me do you need something?" Her name tag had a 'Daisy' on it, implying her name. She looked about 15, being a bit taller than Rob with blonder hair and a firm Australian accent.

"What is this? I asked for a beer, not some Ginger Ale?" He angrily sloshed it around spilling some onto the floor, as she looked him up and down.

"You're way too young. You look like you can't even ride a bike yet." She scoffed, rolling her eyes and staring back down at her phone, chewing on bubble-gum.

"Says you, I mean, why are you even a flight attendant? You're like 12." Robert squinted his eyes at her, not happy with the service here.

"My mom actually works on this plane. She could have you kicked off any second." Daisy said matter-of-factly, her pink nails shining in the light. "Hey, I think i've seen you somewhere."

Roberts heart skipped a beat, and he took a big breathe and then tried to interrupt her train of thought.

"Uhm, I don't think you have." Robert laughed awkwardly, trying to make her seem crazy as he itched his pants. "It seems a bit hot in here doesn't it. Is your air conditioning broken?" Robert started to fan himself, attempting to keep a smile.

"Meh, you're probably right. Why are you trying to get a beer anyways?" She asked, confused on why a guy as young as him wanted to get an alcoholic beverage.

"Oh, I was just thirsty." Robert sighed of relief when he was able to avoid that awkward confrontation.

"Well next time ask for a coke or something normal." Daisy grabbed an ice cold coke from the fridge and handed it to him, which he accepted, annoyed yet thankful he wasn't caught. He was afraid someone would notice him or an undercover officer would start shouting at him. Luckily that didn't seem to be happening anytime soon.

"Have a good day." Rob nodded at her and quickly walked away, the cold coke numbing his fingers as he walked back to his seat, below him nothing but the ocean, a vast expanse of water. Then something unexpected blasted overhead on the loudspeaker.

"Flight 1711 has been rerouted for New Zealand due to unexplained complications with the police. We will arrive sooner than expected, so buckle and be prepared to be in Australia a few days late."

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