Chapter XII - Suspects

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"What is this?" Zeus searched over the string of numbers, trying to piece together what it means. He looked at it sideways, upside down, but he couldn't figure out what it meant. Socrates sat next to him, staring at the wall.

Allen was tying Ms. Krause up, and had already taped her mouth shut. Her wound was wrapped in a bandage, as to stop most of the major bleeding. She screamed as Allen tied her up. They didn't want to kill her, as she could be withholding valuable information, but it's not like they wanted to treat her like royalty.

"Maybe it's uh- some code. Is there anything you can remember like that in training?" Allen asked. When you were in the Department of Magic, you either have never seen regular human life, or haven't in a long time. You don't need to, really. Magic developed faster and more easier and it was much more complex to go back to the human lifestyle.

"Hold on-" Socrates looked around the room, and found the map. He snatched the piece of paper from Zeus' hand and scanned the map.

"What is he doing?" Allen asked, throwing Ms. Krause off to the side. He stared over the kitchen counter to see Socrates point to bottom right corner of the map.

"It's coordinates. Pointing to Australia." Socrates backed away from the circle he made on the map, letting Zeus see what was happening.

He saw the numbers on the side, and sure enough they matched up with the coordinates given.

"I- great job Socrates." As Zeus admired Socrates work, suddenly there was a knock on the door, and they heard talking. Suddenly two figures popped out from the broken glass window.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" One officer called. They heard the whimpering from Ms. Krause, and cautiously made there way over towards the voices.

Allen had to think quick, so he shot a lamp sitting on the ceiling, which fell down and bursted into flames, spilling lighter fluid and spreading the flames further. Socrates and Zeus ran through a side window, as the fire quickly engulfed the living room.

"Shit!" One of the officers called as the fire spread further. Allen swiftly took out his gun, staying in the kitchen. Sweat dripped down his clothes, and he turned back from the kitchen and shot at the officers towards the front door. He missed the officers chest and instead hit there knee, causing him to stumble backwards.

The other officer grabbed the injured one and ran at the house. Allen was now able to have a space to run through the child's room and out the window, as the house was engulfed in burning flames, Ms. Krause inside.

Allen took one look back at the house, and saw it's structure suddenly collapse. He ran away quickly but the force caught him off course and he was pushed forwards and rolled on the ground, now covered in mud.

He heard muffled screaming from the officers, as he lay in a field of tall grass, whipping against the wind. He got up, covered in mud, and started running for the left.

He quickly made his way past the tall grass, and snuck through large hedges onto the road, where Zeus was in the passenger seat and Socrates in the back.

Allen hopped in and started the car, making a quick getaway by backing onto the road and driving away, the police sirens slowly fading.

"Oh- wow. So you're saying these kids are- heading to Australia?" Zeus spoke as they hit the main road, trying to catch his breath. The three of them were a mess, covered in ash, dust, and some specks of mud.

"Yes. There brave kids they are, going on a goose chase for the little Amulets. They don't know what's there up against." With that, Allen dusted of his gun and smiled a bit, not casually, but a psychopathic way. He was bloodthirsty, and the kids were his perfect target after years of being an afterthought. This was his chance.                                          *"Which airport are we going to that'll take us to Australia around here?" Robert asked in the backseat, fiddling with the double-barrel shotgun.

"We're not going to any airport around here. Do you really think they'll take us all the way to Australia? We're going to JFK International Airport." Hannah rolled her eyes as they continued down the highway on the way to New York.

"Hold on..." William spoke, turning up the radio on the car to hear the reports. Robert and Hannah listened in.

"Tonight, a 77 year old woman identified as Jennifer Crainer was presumed dead after her house collapsed. The suspects have not been identified, but they have been described as a trio, two of them in there forties..." The reporters voice faded as everyone in the car realized what happened.

"She died." Robert grieved, trying not to think about the poor old woman who was killed.

"I can't believe this. She was hinting towards her death." William realized. That's why she made them leave quick, she knew her life was ending soon, so she acted quick and forced them out.

"You're right. It doesn't matter anymore. We have a trip to make." Hannah quickly moved on from the conversation, making William angry.

"She fucking died! She's dead! And you just want to ignore this? Something's up with you, you're hiding stuff from us, I know you are." William accused, pushing her a bit with his hands.

"William don't do this. I promise I don't know more than I'm letting on." Hannah defended, cruising on the open road.

"You knew about the book. How did you know?" William barked, gesturing with his hands at her.

"William, relax!" Robert yelled, silencing the arguing and giving Hannah a clear mind to drive. William sat back down in his seat, looking up at the ceiling of the car.

"If I could tell you I would. But we're doing this for you, so I need you to calm down." Hannah spoke softly, stopping at a red sign for only a moment then driving by.

"Money!" Robert called, as a wad of 100 dollar bills fell from the shotgun, hidden inside. The only money they had before was 400 dollars from Hannah's purse.

"What- did she give us that?" William asked, shifting the conversation.

"I guess its too late to turn back now." Rob frowned. It was getting close to 1 AM, and they all were feeling extremely tired.

"Hey, we don't know if she's dead. She's a resourceful lady, I wouldn't be surprised if she's turns up alive." Hannah suggested half-heartedly and shrugging.

"Hannah, face it. Whoever wanted her are clearly focused on murder, and there gonna be after us." William shot down her suggestion, and she rolled her eyes.

"Listen, there's a store up here, I'm gonna stop by and get something. You guys stay here." Hannah announced, turning the car down a gravel road. It seemed moderately sketchy, yet they continued down.

"Are you joking me?" William squealed like a little child, as they pulled in on the side of the road a bit ways away from there destination.
"It'll only take a second." She spoke, getting out from the car and walking towards her destination brushing past trees. Behind her friendly personality was a dark secret she was hiding.

Hannah was a witch, a holder of magic. She entered into the magic shop, and breathed a sigh of relief. It was only time before they found her.

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