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02.21 The Sun Also Rises


02.22 As I Lay Dying


"HOW COULD YOU PLAY US LIKE THAT?" Elena inquires from inside a circle of fire Greta brought up. "Acting like you were our friend, but working for Klaus?"

"Sweetie, I play whatever side that suits my needs. The person suitin' my need happens to be Klaus, at the moment. Not. Personal."

"He better never suit any of your needs!"

She hums, trying not to laugh, as she silently reads the spell over and over to understand it. The spell was dark magic bound with a spell to hold nature off and change something. She taps her fingers with a small smile on her face. Everything was coming together. She was getting Kol and her dad sooner than later. She couldn't wait.

Since she's met Kol, she's been laughing more than she used to. She was more lively, and both noticed it. Kol also relished in how happy he made her with his little jokes or commentary. He absolutely couldn't wait to hug her tightly as soon as he was undaggered.

"Greta, stay with them, please. I'll be back." Without an answer, she starts her trek to the small cellar where Jules, a backup werewolf, is being held.

"She doesn't like you much."

"'Cause normal witches, good or bad, are prejudice against siphoners. No matter the coven, practice, or the strength, Kol. Like how witches are raised to hate vampire's."

"You don't."

"'Cause why would I hate people like me; judged for there species, not their character. If I'm gonna hate someone, it's gonna be on my terms, not something dumb like mass hating. Like Damon, I hate him..." She grunts as she opens a steel door. "Because he compels women, like Andie, to do things against there will. If there's one thing I can't stand it's a rapist. Abusers for number two...sexists and racists tie for three."

"I agree." Kol states as they climb down the steps. "Why judge someone because they're different from you? Whether they practice a different religion, have a different skin tone or of another species...or are finding themselves as the opposite sex. Or not a sex at all!"

"Yep. See, this is why I like you!" She states as she steps into a cement room. "Hey, Julie, how're you?"

"I'm gonna rip your head off!"

"I'd love to see you try whilst doubled over in pain." She states as she jerks the wolf to her feet. The walk back was Kol sending glances at the witch, Jules yelling in pain, and 'Ariana's' annoyed face. Jules lets out an agonizing scream as her arm breaks backward. "Almost there, Julie."

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