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04.11 Catch me if you can


04.12 A view to a kill



"I know, right? Ugh, I hate people."

"Cutting the line of the Mystic Grill, what will become of their damned souls?" The Mikaelson jests as they enter the bar full of cowering nebie vampires Klaus turned the night before whilst they were...preoccupied.

"Yeah, I should've ripped his heart through his ear, maybe taught him some manners." She hums before glancing at the fearing supernaturals, she turns to Kol. "Ready?"

"Yes, ma'am." He jokes, ripping a heart out. "Who wants the next turn?"

They begin cowering as Aidynn waves her hand, taking six down with melted brains as Kol rips bodies up. "Can you hurry, I want to go back to sleep."

Kol heard about Jeremy growing his hunters mark when he went to grab something at the Mikaelson Mansion whilst Aidynn made a large late night plate of spaghetti for them to share after their previous activities. Kol dragged Aidynn with him to soil his big brother's plans this afternoon but, of course, she was pouting about her spoiled breakfast plans while Kol was listening with amusement.

"Really? The easy way, darling?" The Original begins dragging the bodies into the back.

"I said I was tired." The hybrid excuses as she plops on a stool with a bottle of bourbon, chugging it until Kol comes back out. She hands the bottle to him and they share it until it almost runs dry just as the door opens with light conversation. Kol shushes and grabs his woman before speeding out of sight as the eldest Salvatore and youngest Gilbert enter.

"Something's not right." Damon states as they go to the back where Kol laid the bodies. "Ah. Looks like we're gonna have to find some new vampires. What a waste."

"What the hell happened?" Jeremy inquires as Kol smirks down at Aidynn before pushing the plastic covering away with his hands up.

"I confess. I did it." The Original grins.


"Jeremy, good to see you, mate." He greets before getting serious. "Sorry about the mess. Uh, it was a little crowded when we arrived and I prefer most intimate gatherings."

"We?" The vampire queries.

"Yes, we, isn't that right, Angel?" Kol says to her as she pushes the curtain away with a smirk, which makes Damon scowl, as she stops beside the Original then laces her smaller hand in his larger warm one clean of any blood.

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