Finding The Truth Behind The Past

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With the KoA
"Has anyone seen Flame? I need to ask him something" One of Flame's brothers known as Kai asked but they shook their heads," he would never just leave out of the blue. And I'm guessing Senn is with him" Kai asked then they nodded but little did they know of where Senn and Flame were and how it might affect them in the future.

Senn and Flame
"Where are we going Flame," Senn asked as they have traveling for an hour now, "don't worry we are almost there," Flame said as they land on an island the see a mystery building in the shape of a Church.
As they entered the building a female Nightwing was sitting looking over a pool of sea blue water, "who is there?" she asked, "Hi I'm Flame Voltaris and this is Senn. We need your help" Flame said, "Hi I'm Blacksight and how can I help you" Blacksight asked, "well I have been having these weird dreams but I feel they're connected to my past. I was wondering if you could help" Senn explained and Blacksight nodded and led Senn over to her pool. Then she removed her blindfold and revels she is blind as her eyes glow bright, "you have been searching for something" Blacksight said, "something you lost. Look into my pool of water and find what you have lost" She continued. Senn did what she said and looked into the water and fell into another dream...

Senn's Dream
As Senn found he was back where he was before when he was about to uncover that mysterious face. He noticed something odd about what he was looking at. He tried I reach it but then felt a warm hand grab his. He then turned his head and saw bright blue colors then realized the person he was looking for was an Ardoni. Then as he turned his head the other way he saw another strange Ardoni figure also with blue marking but couldn't tell who. That's when it happened. He heard voices, "who's the child?" One voice asked then Senn remembered hearing that same voice when the elder Guardian went into Senn's head back at Ataraxia, "rescue. Both parents are dead. Must keep safe. Please" another voice replied then Senn felt something move then saw the other figure came into view thought still unknown who it was, "can't....Sorry" the other voice said then Senn saw a yellow Ardoni, "we will find another way old friend. Have faith" the yellow ardoni said then Senn could see a face and couldn't believe his eyes. Achillean Nestoris. When Senn looked up at the figure he finally saw the face and almost broke into tears. He knew it has to be his father but then shock filled his face as he started to cry when he saw who it was and then heard their voice, "shh it's alright little one I'm here. I'm taking you somewhere where no one will ever harm you" the voice said and Senn then felt something pull at him and was reawoken

Back at the Church
"Senn, you alright?" Flame asked as Senn had his face full of tears, "what did you find out?" Blacksight asked re-putting her blindfold on, "I saw that my does weren't dreaming at all they were memories" Senn said but then continued to cry, "it's that a good thing?" Flame asked, "it would be expected I know who my father is," Senn said as he sniffled, "who?" Blacksight asked

"My father is Thalleous"

Sorry for the late posting I've been busy doing, please be patient with me as I'm trying my best. I thank so you much for all the support and have fun reading
bye, Otter Clan 🦦🦦🦦🦦

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