Recruits/ Memories

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Lying is never a salutation. But if it means keeping your loved ones safe. You do want you must keep them safe.

"Memories bring Back Memories bring back you" Marron 5

With The Talons of Peace (Aka unknown island)
"So, these are the children you promise me Nautilus?" a Male Nightwing asked the Seawing next to him, "Yes Morrowseer" Nautilus replies watching five children train, "We haven't gotten time to train them yet. The Voltaris hybrid and Sandwing are both quite violent. Most Mudwings are dim but this one is an exception" Nautilus says," the Nightwing I sent you seems decent. And I'm not sure why you insist on this pipsqueak Seawing. Why would you bring here because he is your son" Morrowseer hissed," They're just recruits. We haven't had a lot of time to train them" Nautilus replies," I'll take them to the island and train them myself" Morrowseer said," All of them?" Nautilus says, "indeed so that way we know which will do fine and which we will discard" Morrowseer gained, "Discard!" Nautilus says shocked," As you have told the Final Light. If we want to end this war, we need to make a few sacrifices"

In the Nether
As a Male ardoni walks into a fortress a male Voltaris sits on his throne, "Good evening Shadowlord" he greets his leader and the male looks up from his sword, "Gene what news do you bring me?" the Voltaris said, "The Nether soon plan to invade but Pythus is still waiting for a word from the Voltaris" Gene explains, "good we still have time. The eclipse is upon us and we need to be prepared for what's coming I will not wait another hundred years. As of this moment... We are at war with the Nether"...

With the Thalleous and Ophelia
"Are you sure about this" Ophelia asked and Thalleous nodded, "I have to darling. You know how Shad gets when he doesn't have results" Thalleous joked," but did you have to lie to Galleous. He is very protective of you" Ophelia says but Thalleous sighs," I had to. He never trusted me anyway and this is my one opportunity to show him I can do this" Thalleous says and Ophelia sighs, "very well. I only hope that we can only prepare" Ophelia says as she watches Thalleous leave and hopes things will go well. Lying is never a good thing. But if it's to protect someone you love then you'll do whatever it takes to protect them no matter the cost.

With KoA
That night Galleous was wondering why Thalleous never mentioned Senn was his nephew back when he first saw him. He was only a child. Galleous would have taken him in a heartbeat if he knew he was his nephew. Senn was asleep on Galleous' shoulder and he just smiled at the boy. Galleous always wanted to keep his little brother safe after what happened to the rest of their family. He never wanted to see his brother in the thick of a battle that he was never guaranteed to win. Thalleous would put it down to Galleous being weak or having no faith in his younger brother, but if the truth were told, it was that Galleous wasn't strong enough to face the inevitability that, every time Thalleous left for a fight, he might not return. He would never say it to his face, but he feared losing him.

Now he wished he had said it at a time when Thalleous could hear him. After hearing about his death Galleous couldn't hold in how distraught he was over the death of his brother. He'd give anything just to see him only last time. The last thing they did was fight. He wishes he could take it back and just see Thalleous' bright smile and reassuring voice.
As Galleous was lost in thought he noticed Senn start to whimper in move slightly. Galleous stroked his hair to calm him. He smiles and fell back into his dreams. Only they were dreams... They were memories...

In Senn's Dream/Memories
All Senn could think about was how Thalleous was his father the whole time and wondered why didn't he just raise him himself and began to dream about his family and what it would have been like to have Thalleous as his father instead of Osivian. But it all faded when one memory showed Senn something he never thought possible. He saw the one thing that tore the brothers Thalleous and Galleous apart...

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