The Masked Council

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The Masked Council or T. M. C is a hidden Council of unique people will special uses. But who there leader is well that's a different story that will be shocking at the end.... 😈😈😈

In Felden's Prison
As Xan Voltaris aka The Necrolord walks back and forth in his cell a weird purple dragon appears with a cloak, a mask, and Xan's Wither Staff.

"Who are you" Xan hissed then the dragon played a message, "You have been invited to join The Masked Council. And have your revenge on those who wronged you. Do you accepted?" the voice asked and Xan nods and pits both mask and cloak on.

When the guards came to check on him they found he was gone, "oh man the Captain is going to kill us" one said before they left to go tell the capitan.

Their capitan was working on some battle report's when the two came in, "Captain Kyoshi we have a problem" one guard said, "what kind of problem" Kyoshi asked, "Xan Voltaris he's gone!" the other replies, "How?!" Kyoshi asked, "We have no idea but we have guards serching for him" one guard replied, "Fetch Lucan for me" Kyoshi said and both guards nod.

With Thalleous and Achillean
"Agh still nothing" Thalleous said frustrated from looking at the board for a way to stop Michel, "Don't worry we wi find a way" Achillean said but then another dragon shows up with two new blades for them, "what the" Thalleous said confused, "You both have been invited to join The Masked Council. And have your revenge on those who wronged you. Do you accept?" the message asked and both looked at each other with devil smiles, "yes we do" Achillean said and the dragon hands them both special masked as they prepare for the chance of a life time.

As the Voltaris boy was shaping his sword he noticed no on was around show he waited for a moment then that's when the dragon appeared, "finally" Flame said, "You have invited to join The Masked Council. And have your revenge on those who wronged you. Do you accept?" the message asked before Flame grabs his mask and new sword, "yes I do"...

"Alright so Thalleous, Achillean, and Flame are missing" Ria said as she and the KoA were reviewing what happened, "don't forget The Necrolord he broke out of prison" Grek adds, "the question is why? Why all of a sudden who four people go missing on the same night unless" Ria said before Hubris cuts in, "it was planned" He said and Ria nods, "but who would want these four in particular" Ria said looking at the wall," who would possibly be the next person to go missing?" Ria asked then Grim came over and points at Ingressus.

"that's brilliant Grim. Of course. Who better than Ingressus who would be next. Im sure I can think of a lot of people who would want him gone" Ria said and this gave her an idea.

"You want to what!" Ingressus said confused, "use you as bait to lure out whatever is making people go missing but then I'll take you place" Ria said then Ingressus thought for a moment, "if you think it will work then ok" Ingressus agrees to the plan.

After an hour or so the dragon shows up and Ria takin Ingressus's place but there was secretly another dragon watching and saw what Ria did, "Ingressus Voltaris you have been invited to join The Masked Council. And have your revenge on those who wronged you. Do you accept?" the message played and Ria nods, "follow the dragon to your final destination for the chance of a lifetime" the message says and Ria follows.

As they entered a small cavern to lead to an underground base with special crystals covering it. The center had a tabel with four special faces on it, "Flame!" Ria said shocked, "what? I'm not missing this" Flame grinned, "and you are" Xan asked, "I'm Ingressus Voltaris The Deathsinger" Ria said as she was using what Thalleous called a Concealment Stone to hide her appearance but she had to make her voice sound more deep as not to get caught.

As she sat down she noticed there was one seat left, "who's that for" Ria asked, "our host" Thalleous response, "the Masked leader" Achillean suggest, "no Im mealy his loyalty subject. I take care of what need to be done" the man said," so your a servant" Xan asked," watch your tongue Xan. Or we could happily send you back where we found you" the man hissed," so what dose he want with us?" Achillean asked," in due time he will reveal all but that time is not" Th man said

"It's seems we have an imposter among us" the an said and everyone gasped. Thalleous turned to Ria, "what about him" Ria said pointing at nothing before trying to leave but Thalleous caught her.

She manage to get free bu after Flame fired at her was she knocked unconscious. But with little consciousness she had left the masked man walked over to her.

"You came all this way for me. I'm flattered" he said, "but can't you guess who I am. Can't you feel it Ria. How about I give you a clue" he said walking towards her.

"Do you think the undead play fair or the nether" He said slowly lifting up his mask, "no it can't be" Ria said before it was revealed, "or the other dangers of the world" he said before Ria blacked out.

Senn Was The Leader of The Masked Council....

Wow what a twist and it will create some drama between the young two.

How will the story unfold.... 😈😈😈

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