Scares Mental and Physical

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Present Time
Senn was sitting out on a ledge thinking about what he had learned about his past. Why was the question? Why would Thalleous leave Senn with Osivian all those years ago and not just rise him himself? Senn looked at his hands which had scars from previous battles.

He never thought scares could leave something like that. His train of thought broke when he felt a hand on his shoulder, "Oh hey Flame" Senn said and the male Voltaris sat down next to him, "what are you up to?" Flame asked, "I was just thinking bout what we leaned back at the church" Senn explained looking at his hands, "nice scars," Flame said and Senn looked shocked

"what do you mean. There just scares" Senn says, "they're not "just scars" Senn" Flame starts, "From Every Wound there's a scar. And every scar tells a story. A story that says "I survived" and don't ever forget it " Flame says as he shows Senn his scars all along his arms," I didn't earn these for being a fighter" Flame states," I got them for being a son" Flame says as he looked up and Senn felt back for Flame," but Kai said you guys had a good life" Senn asked," they had a good life. But I didn't. I was always the runt of the littler the kid that always was blamed even when it was never my fault" Flame says starting to cry," I was always given more chores than them and they always wanted to mess around with my chores and I had to spend countless hours doing chores and what was worse was when they made a mistake they blamed me for it" Flame said barring his face into his hands then felt Senn hug him

" I'm sorry you had to deal with all of this" Senn said," Is this why you're always hot-tempered?" Senn asked and Flame nodded," And then when I went under Galleous for training I was afraid that if he would be the same as my dad and I-I-I" Flame couldn't finish because he started to break down and Senn continues to hug and calm Flame down, "why didn't you tell Galleous before?" Senn asked, "I was afraid of how he would react. I still am" Flame said and then Senn looked him in the eye, "I've known Galleous for six months. I know he'll understand. Just try to talk with him and he'll understand and maybe even help you" Senn said getting up, "thanks for the pep talk Flame" Senn said beginning to leave back to camp, "same to you Senn" Flame replied looking at the stars thinking about his scars... Both Physical and Mental

Wow, this chapter brought the feels. Also now you have little in sight on Flame's past. Wow, he had a sad childhood. Also Flame and Kai are OC's and brothers Flame is the youngest and Kai is the oldest with three brothers: Kai, Aidan, Blaze, and finally Flame

Hope you are enjoying this be sure to stay tuned for more bye Otter Clan 🦦🦦🦦🦦🦦

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