Meeting Your Family

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As Thalleous led the way Galleous couldn't help but feel like something was up the only question was what? Senn on the other hand was full of questions. He wanted to know everything about what Thalleous has been doing all this time. Senn and Galleous road up next to Thalleous, "what have you been doing all this time?" Galleous said voicing Senn's thoughts, "well I was trying to find Senn, so I went to Ataraxia and stopped by Galleous' to see if he was there. Turns out not you weren't. So, then I began traveling then heard about your battle at the Vault with The Deathsinger" Thalleous said and Senn and Ria we're behind them, "isn't crazy that the person we looked up to happen to be your father" Ria said and notice Senn was just looking down, "what's up?" Ria asked, "I'm not sure. I should be happy to be with him, but I can't help but want to ask questions?" Senn explained.

As they made it to the Barrier Mountains Thalleous halted," alright we walk the rest of the way" Thalleous said hoping off Timber. The others do the same. As Thalleous told Angel something he led the group up the mountain pass. Unaware of what they will encounter.

With Ophelia
As Angel lands on a window, she gives a little call and Ophelia looked up, "A message from Thalleous. He is on his way and would like you and your sons to join him in the plaza" Angel explains and flies off. Ophelia called Deltheus and Almrak to meet in the plaza.

They waited for at least an hour and that's when they heard footsteps and voices and soon realized the voices and then that's when they saw the group and Ophelia had eyes full of tears.

With Thalleous
As the team walked over towards the plaza, "so where are we going Thalleous?" Senn asked and Thalleous chuckled, "it's a surprise," Thalleous says then told them to wait, "wait here for a moment," Thalleous says as he walked up the stairs that led t the plaza. As they followed Thalleous up the stairs Senn was face-to-face with a female Voltaris and two Male Voltaris. Senn didn't know what to do. Thalleous walked over and brought Senn over to the female and she had eyes full of tears, "Senn this is Ophelia... Your mother" Thalleous says then Senn barreled into a hug and she did the same. Ria and the others looked both confused and shocked, "Senn's a Voltaris?" Hubris says quietly, "only half from the look of it" Ria replied, "oh look at you" Ophelia mumbled looking at Senn and placing a hand on his cheek, "I can't believe your my mom" Senn replied still in shock, "well we thought it would be dangerous for you to know who your mom was" Thalleous explain and then Deltheus walks over, "Senn meet your older brother Deltheus and the one over there is Almrak," Ophelia says introducing them, "it's nice to meet you," Senn said to them," well leave the three of you to get to know each other" Ophelia said," why don't you guys come inside. You all mist be freezing" Ophelia offers and the group nods, "We have an uncle who lives here so if that's alright I and my brothers will crash at his place" Kai explains and Thalleous nods, "just meet back here later" Thalleous says and the boys run off.

Now Senn was along with the boys known as his older brothers Deltheus and Almrak. Senn had so many questions and so few answers but one thing is for sure he was no longer alone.

"We were told that our brother was sent away and we probably wouldn't be able to meet him... but here you are, at long last, "Almrak said with a smile. The other Voltaris's markings were like a reflection of Senn's as well.

"So I'm a Voltaris..." Senn murmured aloud.

"Only half Voltaris. We share Sendaris blood in our family" Deltheus replied

"When the mysterious creatures known as Deamos discovered the truth of our lineage, they hunted down to try to kill all of us. We were then taken to what father called safe zoon. We stayed there for a small amount of time till Mother brought us here and we got initiated into the clan by Ingressus." Almrak explains. Senn sighed and sat on a bench across from his brothers.

"You should consider yourself lucky, Senn. The circumstances of your upbringing were far superior to our own." Deltheus told him.

"I just- I can't believe I'm Voltaris. All this time..."

Deltheus scoffed. "Welcome back to the family." Then he stormed off.

"That was Deltheus, don't mind him, we all have reason to envy you. Times have been hard on the Voltaris these past years." Almrak stood up shakily, and Senn realized with a jolt that he walked with a cane and was missing a leg. Almrak walked to sit next to Senn.

"Now let me get a closer look at you," Almrak said. Despite Senn's disappointment in being Voltaris, he felt bad for his brother's misfortune.

"My name is Almrak by the way. So how are you feeling? You look like you've seen a ghast, and you've hardly muttered a word." Almrak questioned

"I'm alright... I'm just a bit surprised is all." Senn replied still a bit both shocked and happy?

"So what've you been up to all these years? What's it like- ah I'm sorry, I shouldn't be the one asking all the questions. I'm sure you have many of your own." Almrak said and Senn thought for a moment, "Where have you been all this time?" Senn asked

"Most of the Voltaris have been hiding in the Barrier Mountains. The terrain is rugged and dangerous, which deters travelers... and makes for a rough lifestyle." Almrak explain

"Do you... agree with what the Voltaris are doing?" Senn questions, "To an extent. Many Voltaris, such as Tygren and Lucidius, are extremists in their ideals. They seek not only peace with the world, but also crave revenge." Almrak said with a sigh and Senn knew what that feels like. Senn wanted justice for what happened in Sendaria.

"And what do you want?" Senn asked Almrak, "I just want to live a normal life again... perhaps settle in Old Voltaria where our clan once lived. I clearly won't be fighting in the war..." Almrak lifted the stump of his leg. " ultimately the fate of our clan will be up to the rest of the Voltaris... including you, Senn."

"But we're not Voltaris, Almrak, we're only half. I am just an outcast- clanless." Senn said looking down and Almrak thought for a moment, "You know... if Ingressus allows it, he could initiate you- you'll no longer be clanless." Almrak explain

Senn looked away but thought about it.

"Deltheus may be a bit of a grump but he can be kind and does care about us and our family, I see this as an opportunity that we share the lineage of two clans. We could be the ones to finally bring peace between the five clans." Almrak continued when Senn didn't respond.

"Thalleous has summoned you to his chambers. It was a pleasure having this opportunity to converse, Senn. I hope we speak again soon." Almrak said leading Senn over towards a small treehouse next to the home where Ophelia and the KoA were currently Senn and Almrak parted ways and Senn enters the treehouse.

As Senn entered the Thalleous' room he saw it was a lot bigger on the inside, "Ah Senn glade you here" Thalleous said as he face Senn with a smile," please sit" Thalleous offered. Senn sat down and faced Thalleous, "I'm sure you're full of questions," Thalleous said with a smirk, "I am" Senn replies, "Well ask away," Thalleous said, "why did you leave me with Osivian?" Senn asked, "I thought that was obvious," Thalleous said before looking out the window, "I wanted so badly to keep you safe. Your mother and I thought it is safer if you don't know your half Voltaris. I wish I could have said something sooner or heck even told Galleous the truth. I'm not sure anymore" Thalleous said with a sigh, "Thalleous what happened between you and Galleous. You seem so distant from each other" Senn asked, "I *sighs* never got over what happened to..." Thalleous was silent for a moment trying to hold back tears, "what happened to our family" Thalleous said with a sigh, "what happened to them?" Senn asked hoping it wasn't a tuff subject to talk about, "They were killed by Deamos. Our parents, our brothers, and our sisters. I and Galleous were the only survivors. Galleous may have moved on but I haven't" Thalleous said before Angel, his messenger bird flew in, "sorry to interrupt but I must have a word with Thalleous" Angel said and Thalleous walked over, "you have been summon to you know where. Queen Battlewinner has made her decision" Angel whispers and Thalleous looke shocked before keepin his stright face," I have to leave but we will continue this conversation later" Thalleous said grabbing his sword and leaving Senn alone with his thoughts....

Sorry for the later post. I will try to be better. Also, have fun reading a bunch of my other stories. I recommend reading my first ever story Thalleous's Daughter. It's a cool one. And if you do read it I'm sorry about my grammar and spelling. Have fun bye ٩(̀́)ᵇʸᵉ

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