A Song Forgotten

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The walls of time tell stories of Ardoni a History. But they seem to have forgotten about on of the most important tales. Ones of both The Helium Prime Song being Stolen and ones of Shad Voltaris.

The Deathsinger has the Supporium Prime song from the vault. And now needs the other three. But what were to happen if he found out about the fifth song. Thalleous made sure to hide the other three in locations no one would find them. One of these places probably was not the best choice...

One Week Later
Ria was exiting the hallways of the Walls of Time, as she had entered them earlier. She spotted figures walking across from the path. Hearing footsteps behind her turned around to see Ingressus and a few other Voltaris approaching from the cliff. She ran back into the hallways of the Walls of Time and hid at the furthest wall as the Voltaris entered.

"I have always wondered if my actions were to be written upon the Walls of Time, but never had I imagined an entire Wall would be dedicated to my legacy." Ingressus mused.

"There's not a single mention of the travesties which plague our history." Deltheus spat.

"We should have the Glacians tear down these walls and re-write them." Lucidius added.

"No need. There are still more Walls to be written- some very soon I imagine." Ingressus told them.
They stopped at the end of the hallway, near Ria's hiding spot. She kept very still and didn't breathe, hoping they wouldn't notice her hiding behind the final wall.

"I believe it is time to go forward with our plan." Ingressus said after a moment.

"Are you sure the timing is right?" Lucidius questioned, but trying not to seem like he was doubting him.

"I have received word from my informant that everything is falling into place, and we must be ready to act swiftly. What we are about to do is extremely dangerous, but may be necessary to ensure the future of our clan. I would not ask any of you to join me without your consent."

"We are with you, Ingressus." Deltheus said.

"If it means a better future for the Voltaris, I'm in." Lucidius agreed.

"Good. Have the clan ready." Ingressus said then noticed something was off. He looked back further along the walls and could something he wasn't expecting. A Male human with a few keys on his belt and was holding a lantern, "what is this?" Ingressus asked pointing to the wall, "Oh that. Well it was going to be the spot we're the fifth Ardoni song was going to be but it was never finished" the man human said before leaving.

"A fifth song. What in the name of Ardonia" Deltheus said shocked," I agree. There was never any mention of a fifth unless..." Lucidius' voice trailed off, "someone was trying hid it" Ingressus hissed, "you old man!" Deltheus shouts, "yes?" he answered, "when was this wall written?" Ingressus asked, "about around during the time the Prime Songs were discovered" he replied and then left, "so what dose this mean?" Lucidius asked, "it means someone doesn't want people to know about this. If there is another Prime I need it before Raphael gets his claws on it"....

This chapter was fun and cool to write. Thanks Graceful_Pinkie who gave me the idea. Happy reading 📖📖📖🦦🦦🦦

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