Amelia The Engineer

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Author's Note: I myself will be making an appearance in this chapter as a character who will bring ng the shock in shocking! This book has been a delight to write. I love the ideas I get that inspire this book. I thank everyone who has read this far. Have fun and happy reading 📖🦦🥹

An engineer was working on a redstone contraption in an area guarded by Wither skeletons. It appeared to be an academy, although it looked quite empty.

One of the Wither skeletons approached the engineer to inspect his work.

"Uh yeah you might not want to touch that! It's very expensive and you might damage it. Oh and it also might kill you." The engineer warned. The Wither skeleton backed up and returned to its original position. As it did, a few skeletons ran through the room with urgency, and the guards in the room went to follow them.

"Uh, does this mean I'm free to go?" The engineer asked, as she was all alone. She made her way to the top of the academy where Wither skeletons were standing defensively behind the main door. She watched what was happening from the balcony above.

Suddenly, a loud bang came from the other side.

Then another.

The engineer squatted down and covered her head, bracing herself.

Another bang, and the lock holding the door closed fell with a clang. The people on the outside of the academy slid the doors open and the skeletons reeled back, shielding their eyes from the light.

In the doorway stood Hubris and Grek.

Using his Song, Hubris fired a series of energized projectiles at the skeletons, and Grek rushed in for short-ranged combat, cutting away at the undead. Hubris cut the arm off of one of the skeletons, but it continued to fight, and the Nestoris struggled to overpower it.

"Hubris, you gotta go for their weak spots!" Grek called to him.

Hubris stabbed his sword through the ribs of the Wither skeleton, which did nothing to slow it down.

"The weak spots, Hubris." Grek said again, cutting down a few more of the undead.

"They're skeletons, Grek! They don't have any weak spots!" Hubris yelled back. He struggled a bit more before Grek ran over and yanked the Wither skeleton's head off of its body.

"This seems to always do the trick for me." Grek commented as the undead went limp and collapsed.

"Ria's going to kill us when she finds out what we've done." Hubris muttered as the Jaggarthan helped him up.

"You mean she's going to kill you. It was your idea to go against her orders and sneak out on this secret mission." Grek said raising an eyebrow

"And you came along" Hubris said in defence

"Only because I knew you'd need my help." Grek patted Hubris's back.

"Just help me find the engineers." He said with a sigh.

Upon hearing this, the engineer revealed herself from the balcony.

"If you're looking for engineers you've come to the right place! Well- actually you didn't... because the Nether came first and took everyone- everyone but me that is." She called down to them as Hubris and Grek turned to look at him.

"We heard the Deathsinger is attempting to create a redstone device to locate Prime Songs." Hubris said.

"Technically the Deathsinger isn't creating any such device... I'm sure he doesn't even know how to wire a piston to a lever." She said with a laugh

"But a device is being made... is it not?" Hubris asked and she nods

"Only an experienced engineer like myself could create such a device. My name's Amelia, I was top of my class here at the Redstone Academy." Amelia replied with a smile

Hubris glanced at the entrance. "We're not here to stay. Are you able to take the device with you?"

"Do you have any idea how large a triple T-flipflop hexadecimal redstone gyroscopic triangulator is?" Amelia exclaimed.

"Look kid, we don't know anything about your triangle redstonating whatever, but we need to leave with it now." Grek said urgently.

"Alright... uh... I suppose we can just extract the core and rebuild the rest later. A lot of work down the drain..." Amelia exclaimed

"Hurry then. We'll prepare for our departure." Hubris urged. Amelia hurried back into the academy.

"Still think this mission was a good idea?" Grek asked, turning to Hubris.

"It's for the best, whether the Captain agrees or not." He responded, then saw something in the distance and squinted to get a better look.

"What is that?" He asked.

"What is what?" Grek repeated

"Something's coming." Hubris said

"What's coming?" Grek asked

"You don't see it? I thought Jags had good eyesight?" Hubris said

"Hubris, we don't need to see beyond the reach of our sword to kill an enemy." Grek exclaimed

Hubris kept looking, then suddenly recognized the creature in the distance. "It's a....Skywing?" Hubris said in confusion.

The Skywing lands and Hubris and Grek knew who it was, need a lift?" the Skywing asked," Aiden I thought you were at the barrier mountains with the others, "I was but I overheard you plan to come here so I followed you" Aiden said with a smirk, "I take it you know him?" Amelia asked and Hubris nods, "can you carry all three of us plus her device?" Hubris asked, "Pfft Of course. I'm sure I won't have a problem hop on" Aidan said then the trio hopped on and they flew off before anyone could find them.

Id like to say that I added myself in this story I just decided I wasn't going to use my "real" name for personal reasons. Hope you enjoy

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